From Fit to Fat to Fit: Day 5

Goal Weight: 195

Current Weight: 231.4

I had a training partner this morning: A freakin’ cold.  Yup, I started coming down with it yesterday on the air.  My head felt like a giant lead weight. But thankfully I got a decent night’s sleep (thank you Amy). I woke up at 3:50 a.m. with a stopped up head a slight sense of dread.

The good news is that after a week of getting worked over, my body is starting to respond. Most of my team did the treadmill (where I failed last week) and the elliptical this morning. Paul kept me on the treadmill the whole time. And pushed me at six miles per hour.  Last week I would have died.  This week, I pushed through it.  Yes, I went off the back of the treadmill once (I’m clumsy, OK) — but I proved to myself that I could do it.  And I did.  The set of lungs and heart that once ran for five hours straight through Washington, D.C. started to wake up out of their inactive slumber.

Am I fit yet? Heck no.  Did I get a taste of where I will be in 12 weeks? Yes. And that right there is the most powerful motivation of all. I WANT to BE BACK.

And no cold or excess body fat will stop me.

P.S. We ran wind sprints this morning.  I had flashbacks to the practice field at Sprayberry High School.

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One Response to From Fit to Fat to Fit: Day 5

  1. Karen Putz says:

    I’m heading to the gym this morning. I’ll probably re-read this a few times while pounding the bike. If you can push… I can push. I just hope I don’t fall off the bike. LOL

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