Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up.

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33 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    Good morning. 07:17 on my sun dial.

    Why am I the only one up? Is it a holiday or somethin’?

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I just started cooking a big pot of pinto beans, let them soak overnight. A pone of cornbread and a big yellow onion, life will be good on my hill for lunch.

    Blues I hope all is well in La.

    • blues4you says:

      It’s going ok, AW. These wells are tough to complete in this part of the world. Not my favorite place to work, but I’m not whining.

  3. OldBopper says:

    We slept late this morning. Thank goodness I didn’t have to rush to get ready for work.

    Beautiful sunshine out there. Mighty pretty. AW, I think I’ve got time to head up there for lunch….sounds like comfort food for sure. We’re having a chili cook off at church tonight. Toyed with making some, but folks who like HOT, SPICY, chili wouldn’t like mine.

    Hope this finds folks doing better than yesterday whatever the ailment is. Be sweet y’all.

    • blues4you says:

      2 things I do really well. Chicken on the grill(in various forms) and chili.
      Mine’s not too hot either. A little kick but nothing you can’t handle. Several secret ingredients.

      One day I’m going to enter a cook-off. I probably won’t win, but the guy that does will be dang proud he beat me.

      “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.” …Dizzy Dean and Nolan Ryan, I think.

  4. Pncpnthr says:

    Morning. In Memphis airport. Cub is not happy, they didn’t seat us together. I told him we’ll get there the same time! No worries. I do love to fly! Wish I could fly everywhere I go!!

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    8:25 a.m. I’ve beeb AWOL a couple of days. Monday, I went to help the new bridge players at noon and left there at 5:30, just in time to get to someone’s house at 6:00 where I’d been invited to play with the Monday night group. I didn’t get home until a little after 10:00 p.m. Airwolf, I got to play with our mutual friend. Oh, and I made $3.00 since I was high scorer.

    I’m going to a new book club this morning called the Fluff and Fudge book club. It’s for people who like fun books and a different kind of fudge each month. It sounds like my cup of tea. And I can get out of there and over to the noon bridge game easily.

    Clucky, I just read about your dream of me in the station wagon and you were right on. I bought a station wagon when I was expecting my first child and didn’t take long to fill it up since I had 5 under 6 at one time. I just chalk it up to only child ignorance.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! already a busy day.

    waiting to see if COJ cuts our water at home again. around 10 last night we were without water again. luckily it was back on within 30 minutes. I just think they could let people know so they could prepare when they are “fixing” a problem. And we have yet to see the first Boil Water Notice . My mother did say she heard it on the news – i very rarely listen to the news. … ok off my soap box now.

    everyone have a wonderful wonderful day!

  7. dhcoop says:


    Didn’t sleep most of the night, then overslept this morning. Rolling along.

    Have Popeye’s leftovers for lunch. I wanted Popeye’s wings last night, they were out, and I got mad and bought a 9 piece meal. I have chicken, mashed potatoes, red beans & rice, and biscuits. Something doesn’t seem quite right with that story…

  8. Mrs. H says:

    Mrs. Mac is still down for the count. Got to work on my employer federal tax responsibilities this morning. See you good folks later.

    P.S. Pnc, when my eldest was 4 years old, we flew to the Tidewater, VA, area for a wedding. On the way back they did not have us seated together. The gentleman who would have been her seat-mate graciously offered to trade with me :)

  9. parrotmom says:

    I’ m here just ran out of time to say good morning. So good afternoon everyone.

    Blues I would l love some chili. I like it with a bite of spice but not unbearable.

  10. clucky says:

    I like my chili tasty, but not hot. MMMMMmmm, that does sound good.

    I made Coops chicken in the crock pot Sunday and we’ve been eating off it ever since. It sure is good.

    I see the news of the Mr. Irby’s death (suicide) is all over facebook. Am I the only one that is glad she was one of the many pardons, etc, Haley did prior to leaving office? At least their kids will have one parent. The whole story is tragic-and would make a very good book.

    Last night I dreamed flipflops got busted for pulling pranks on adults and was on Springer. These meds are making me loopy.

  11. OldBopper says:

    Well, decided to make chili after all. Could serve it at any time. It’s ready!

  12. Molly says:

    I made a vegetable chicken soup the other day that is really good. It has broccoli, zuchini, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, parsely and, of course, chicken. Yum! Oh, and the secret ingredient — peanut butter! I’m not sure what the purpose of the peanut butter is and it tasted fine without it. It’s the last thing to go in, so I did a before and after taste test. The first day, there was just the slightest hint of peanut butter taste. Second day, I could smell the peanut butter as soon as I opened the container, but the taste still wasn’t strong — until after I finished. Then I had a very strong pb taste in my mouth. Next time I think I’ll leave it out and see how it goes. Either way, I’ll be making it again.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Sounds like yummy soup!

  14. OldBopper says:

    Hmmm, the joke’s on me! Our church chili cookoff isn’t until Feb. 1. Glad this recipe freezes well. I’m still ready! Had a bowl a while ago. My lips are still burning. Didn’t scrimp on the chili powder or black pepper this time. Tastes good.

    • blues4you says:

      Any type of meat I cook on the grill, I freeze the leftovers. Come chilli time, I thaw them out, chop fine or shred, and add to chilli. My base chilli meat is almost always ground venison.

    • Mrs. H says:

      The secret ingredient in my chili is a tablespoon of cocoa. There is no chocolate flavor (see peanut butter discussion above). Chili peppers and cocoa beans are from the same geographical area and go very well together. For really moist brownies you can add a small can of chopped chilies. Very tasty.

      • blues4you says:

        I’ve heard of this. The Mayans and or Incas were the first to do this I believe.

      • dhcoop says:

        Very interesting! I’m going to have to try the cocoa in chili thing… and are you talking about the small can of chopped green chilis? I’ll have to tell Mom about this…

  15. dhcoop says:

    There is a HUGE group of young male robins having a bachelor party in the trees by my office!! It took me a bit (and a phone call to my Uncle H) to figure out what they were, but it’s awesome! They are acting like a bunch of unruly teenagers! Bright orange chests, black tails, white rumps, yellow beaks…definitely robins. just young males cutting up before time to go settle down.

  16. msblondie says:

    head up for air… been a crazy day

    well time to head home

    everyone have a great evening!

  17. cardinallady says:

    Evening! Been a good day. Busy at the furniture factory and listening to my editor. got to go to prayer meeting now and pray for all.

  18. dhcoop says:


    Just heard from lil sis. They made it safely to Vegas. Hope they have a great time.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    I need a good chili recipe too and I don’t see any need in loading chili or anything else with hot peppers. I had a recipe when I lived in San Antonio and got in the bar business and we made an 18-quart roaster full of chili every Monday and Mexicans would go out of their way to come by and eat it. I have lost the recipe over the years, but it had Gebhardt’s chili quick in it and they no longer make it. And Cincinnantti chili has cocoa in it.

    I started out tonight wanting a good steak and since that’s hard to find around Jackson these days, I thought of Wynndale Steak House. Then we went to Wal-Mart and I was thinking Monte’s suffed mushrooms, oysters rockefellow and a martini. I ended up with a Great Value rising crust supreme pizza. I’m really surprised at how good it is since a large one is only $4.25. It’s better than the last few we’ve gotten from Pizza Hut.

    The fluff and fudge book club was fun. We discussed “The Help” and had chocolate fudge with nuts and Velveeta cheese. Old Bopper, I may have seen the new restaurant you were talking about. Is it Heart and Soul or Body and Soul, located at the Shell station in front of City Hall?

  20. OldBopper says:

    LE, yes it’s at the Shell Station. It’s not fancy, but our sandwiches were quite large and really good.

    I think I have my recipe on the computer downstairs and will be glad to share it. Be warned, it makes a lot but it freezes well.

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