Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 6

Goal Weight 195

Today’s Weight 230.2

“The mind is weaker than the body.”

I can’t tell you which coach told me that this morning. I don’t wear my glasses when I exercise and frankly, all the coaches are blurs. But his words hit home.  Your body is pushing to do the work. Your weak mind is telling you to quit.


Quit is one of the most offensive words in the English language. I’d rather someone drop an F-bomb on me than to say, “I quit.”  (unless it is something like quitting cigarettes. I’ll give you a pass on that one).

And yes, quit crosses my mind occasionally.  At 3:50 a.m., I wanted to quit. I got out of bed.  I had a coach once who wanted me to quit. I didn’t.  I cramped up on a bridge crossing the Potomac River in Washington D.C. at mile 20. My legs wanted me to quit. But I didn’t. I ended up being a custodian when I wanted to be a cartoonist. But I didn’t quit.  I got moving. This morning while working out, I was tired and exhausted.  But I didn’t quit.

One secret I’ve found over the years to keep you from quitting: The support of friends.

A support group is amazing. I work out with a group of women who are full of courage.  There will get a time when I will be in better shape than they are. But I’ll never have their will.  When I trained for the marathon, I ran up against a wall until I started training with two friends. The support of friends matters.

Just don’t quit.

I think Winston Churchill said it best, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Don’t quit.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 6

  1. Karen Putz says:

    Hey, I need some support. Wanna come barefooting with me? I can’t wait to see where you are a few months from now. You’re rockin this!

  2. Marshall Ramsey says:

    It’s been 20+ years since I’ve waterskied with skis. Me barefooting would be hysterical. Good job on the rehab, btw. Proud of you for pushing it hard.

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