Thursday Free-For-All

It’s 3:52. About to leave to go workout.

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39 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    6:07 am Good morning, nice and chilly out, but it isn’t raining nor the wind blowing. So it is tolerable. I wished today was Friday I am rather tired this week. I hope everyone has a great day and MsB a special prayer for you and your water situation.

    Clucky keep on clucking—prayers to you too!!!

    They started PD on a new medicine for tremors of the right arm last night will see if it will help control them since they never stop. Try cutting finger nails when the had is moving faster than the eyes. LOL!!! I have yet tried to attempt to shave him. I told him we will take that venture this weekend. Oh Joy!!!!

    Love and hugs to all.

  2. Msblondie says:

    Morning gang…6:12 here. Hubby overslept, then a flat. He took my car so I get see to flat- oh joy. Thanks pm.. Don’t mind so much about boiling water.. Its just how con handles things.

    Everyone have a good day.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Damn! I woke up this morning and reached for my cell phone to check the time and when I put my phone back, I dumped it into a glass of tea. The battery was immediately taken out and the phone put in a jar with a top and then the jar was filled with rice. Yeah, me! I hope it works.

    We’re having our monthly senior luncheon today and then I have 4 tables of bridge coming after that.

  4. blue4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Sorry about your phone, LE. I’ve done almost the exact same thing. You can also hit it with your hair dryer. At this point, it couldn’t hurt. Sadly, mine was toast. Be sure and save your sims card.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Looks beautiful outside. Supposed to warm up significantly today. Got to do my monthly work task. I fully expect to have to start going to the Capitol next week to observe proceedings for my client. Watch, listen, and report…….that’s my task. I know it sounds simple and it is, but unless you know your way around the process, you will miss much of the available information.

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. Here’s the Vegetable Chicken Soup recipe as written, with my notes below:

    8 cups chicken broth
    2 cups diced, cooked chicken meat
    1 cup peeled and cubed potatoes
    1 cup diced carrots
    1 cup diced zucchini
    1 cup broccoli florets
    1 cup canned whole tomatoes, chopped
    1/2 cup chopped celery
    1/2 cup chopped onion
    1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1/2 cup peanut butter
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
    salt to taste
    ground black pepper to taste
    1.In a large stock pot, combine the broth, chicken, potatoes, and carrots. Bring the soup to a boil, and then reduce heat to medium. Cook for about 10 minutes, till vegetables are tender.
    2.Add zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, celery, onion, green pepper, and garlic. Simmer for about 8 minutes.
    3.Add peanut butter, parsley, salt, and pepper; stir until peanut butter is fully blended. Simmer for 3 minutes longer.

    NOTES: I first sauteed the onion and garlic in a little olive oil and then added the broth, etc. I used canned potatoes and carrots, thus eliminating the need to cook long enough to make them tender. I used a can of diced tomatoes (why mess with cutting whole ones when you can get it already done for the same price?) Frozen broccoli works just find. And I left out the green bell pepper because I just don’t like it. I think you could put whatever veggies you like and it would still be good. Next time, I’m going to leave the PB out and see how that goes.
    Hubby said he didn’t think the chicken really added a lot to it and it would be perfect just as a vegetable soup.

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Why, when you order 1099 forms from the IRS, do they send forms made for tractor-pull, dot matrix printers? Does anyone still use those? What kind of computer can they be working on? You can’t get those with USB connections and the old wide printer plug won’t work with most modern computers. I end up ripping the tractor edge off and then having to compensate for now 8 x 11 rather than 8.5 x 11 size forms. And the tissue paper copies are worthless in a laser printer, so I have to construct my own from the PDF’s online.

    Rant over.
    Carry on.

  8. msblondie says:

    got the tire repair but in the process found out we need new tires on it… and i wasn’t late to work. the local garage across the main road from us is really good. and charges no more than those big guys here in town. And they even treat a lady like she has a brain. Now to figure how to get new tires.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Good morning dears! It’s another sunshiney day in my neighborhood. How is everyone? Uh oh, phone guy is here. I’m almost scared.

  10. blue4you says:

    folds arms…whistles…looks around….taps foot….boy I sure know how to kill a blog don’t I?

  11. Mrs. H says:

    “Not dead, just napping” replies the blog.

  12. OldBopper says:

    Morning task is complete. Wonder if the House will name committees today? It’s time to get the show on the road.

  13. Molly says:

    Kiddo’s MRI of the knee is scheduled for Monday afternoon. I’m glad she’ll go in feet first and not head first.

  14. Molly says:

    Here’s another recipe that sounds interesting. I’ve never noticed “cinnamon” chips in the store, though. I’ll be looking next time I’m in there.
    ◦2 1/2 c. all purpose flour
    ◦1 tsp. baking powder
    ◦1/2 tsp. salt
    ◦2 tsp. cinnamon
    ◦1 cup butter, softened
    ◦2 cups sugar
    ◦3 eggs
    ◦1 tsp. vanilla
    ◦3/4 c. sour cream
    ◦1 pkg. Hershey’s cinnamon chips
    ◦3 T. sugar
    ◦3 t. cinnamon
    1.Cream butter, sugar, salt and cinnamon until fluffy. Add eggs and mix well.
    2.Add vanilla and sour cream and mix well.
    3.Mix flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add to wet ingredients and mix until all combined.
    4.Add cinnamon chips and stir into batter. Set aside.
    5.Spoon batter into 4 mini loaf pans until about 2/3 full.
    6.Mix 3 T. sugar and 3 t. cinnamon in a bowl and sprinkle over the batter in each loaf pan.
    7.Bake at 350 for 35-38 minutes. Let cool before removing from pan.

  15. Clucky says:

    Sounds nummy.

    I’ve slept most of the day. I woke up having muscle spasms in my neck and upper back that nearly threw me out of the bed. I’ve already called to beg for the good stuff. What I have been taking aint cuttin it.

    Y’all have fun with that.

  16. Mrs. H says:

    The recurring thought I’ve had today is “What was I doing?” The reason is that I’ve had 26 text messages so far. I don’t usually get more than 4 in a day. Then I have to figure out what I was doing before I stopped to see who was sending me a message.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    At least y’all have working cell phones.

  18. dhcoop says:


    Blues, you crack me up!

  19. CornPop says:

    National Popcorn Day??!!! Orville said that he’s ready to start poppin’! :-D

    He’s taking me to The Peabody this weekend (& we’re making it a long one by taking Monday off) for my birthday, which is next week. I apologize for bragging here, but he reserved us a room on the consierge(sp?) top floor. I foresee a lot of popcorn in our near future…

    Continuing prayers for PM & PD & Clucky and, really, for every MRBAer! We’re all in need of some love, comfort, prayers and hugs!

  20. OldBopper says:

    The current Republican Debate is darn good.

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    I bet the Big Bang Theory was a lot better.

  22. dhcoop says:

    I think I’ve found a new favorite show..The Finder. It was great!

  23. msblondie says:

    been interesting nite.. M has been building a mouse trap car for physics… she got it to roll about 5 feet (first tests)… has to go 30ft or more. I kept waiting for her to get her finger caught in the trap as she tested. now she has to make adjustments to get it the distance..

    everyone have a good night… time to find my pillow.

  24. Barb says:

    Hello, everyone!! I haven’t been on since Tuesday morning, I think? Fought with this horrible computer Tues. night to get my taxes done…it took FOREVER!!! Simple taxes, slow @#$#@&^# computer. I had to leave the site and go back so many times! It was definitely an exercise in patience and frustration!!! Last night, just tired. And I need to go to bed soon because I am going in at 6:00a.m. to work my 10 hours. We (meaning me, probably) are starting on the cosmetic wall reset tomorrow…not fun! Everyone have sweet dreams and thanks for listening. Night, all. Prayers for all of you.

  25. dhcoop says:

    Hey Barb. Glad to hear from you!

    I just found out that an old friend is going in tomorrow to have a thumbnail -size kidney stone blasted out. Praying for my friend T.

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