Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 7

Goal Weight: 195

Weight this morning: 230.4

When you fall off a treadmill, you get back on.

I could make a list of excuses why I flew off the back of the treadmill, but I won’t.  I just sucked.  I let my team down. I let myself down.  I didn’t push hard enough.  No excuses.

So when today’s workout was over, I went back to the treadmill and I ran on it for another five minutes at 6 mph.

If I’m going to get better, I have to give more than what is expected. I have to find it inside myself to NOT fall off the damn treadmill.

Paul said we are like blocks of ice melting in the Mississippi sun.  For me, it’s more like I’m a block of marble. Every day I’m chipping away at myself Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.  I have 12 weeks to reveal what’s inside of me.  I have a lot of work to do.

That treadmill is quickly becoming a metaphor for my life and my career right now. I’ve got to push harder than I’ve been pushing.  I need to get back on my life’s treadmill. And get to the next level.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 7

  1. Shane Crowe says:

    One day at a time. You can’t conquer 12 weeks in a day. You won today. Tomorrow, go… well tomorrow well think about tomorrow. Chin up, knowing you kicked today’s ass.

  2. cardinallady says:

    Marshall, you WILL do it. Don’t dispair. *red wing salute*

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