Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s 3:45 am. What’s up with you?

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34 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    It’s 5:21 a.m.

    about 2/10 of a mile into our morning walk, the bottom fell out, so we turned around and sprinted back.

    We’ll make it up tomorrow, when we don’t usually walk.

    I’ll be looking for a pair of white sweat pants for El to tie-dye this evening so that she can wear them to a party tomorrow.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone.

    Blues enjoyed your comments yesterday just no time to post. I almost forgot about popcorn :(

    Happy early birthday CornPop have a grat fun filled weekend.

    Everyone have a fun filled Friday. Eat lunch with a friend they may really need the company. Prayers to all.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Looks like we are in for an “iffy” weekend weatherwise. Barbie uses the word, “severe” while David says a couple of thunderstorms in our area. Sounds like
    MrsH is gonna get the brunt of the bad weather.

  4. dhcoop says:


  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a good friday

  6. parrotmom says:

    I need a Friday, bad!! Oh wait it is Friday :)

  7. blues4you says:

    Hey y’all.

  8. Pncpnthr says:

    Morning! Blue Man Group was fantastic! Cub & I are having a wonderful time!
    Just heard his alarm. We’ll hit the ground running again in a bit!
    Hope all are well back home.

  9. parrotmom says:

    PNC glad you are having a wonderful time. Your Cub is s very special person to have Planned this trip for you two. Some would never consider it.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    Miracle of miracles, my phone is working again. After I dropped it into my glass of tea yesterday morning, we pulled the battery out of it and stuck the phone, battery and phone back into a jar and filled the jar with rice. It sat there from 6:00 a.m. yesterday until now (9:15 a.m.). We just pulled it out, put the battery and back on it and turned it on and I had 10 missed messages and was able to actually make a call. Thank God!

  11. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends! Looks rainy. I need to start my 300 hp leaf blower and blow off my sidewalks. Wind has blown a few stray leaves around. No close neighbors to complain about the noise.

    LE I’m glad your phone survived the baptism!

  12. sherby gully says:

    Morning! Teaching is getting old for this year. So ready for summer. :(

  13. cardinallady says:

    AMEN to Friday!!!!! Last night I wondered why I was so tired and wanting to sleep and I realized that I have worked every day for the past 11 days. Folks think you can just “run out” and take pictures, but that takes away from your day. I AM ready for Friday, that’s for sure.

    My aunt called lst night and said that the winds that came through Monday took the roof off part of her house. “It was from Jonathan’s room,” she said. It’s great to know my son has his own private room at my aunts house huh?

  14. Mrs. H says:

    Hello, Sherby. Did I miss an earlier entrance for you? Welcome.

    No white sweat pants to be found. I got her a man’s large T shirt to tie-dye, a pair of purple tights and some purple legwarmers. Yes, legwarmers are 70s. I was there and wore them. (Did I mention that this is for a 70s party at her friend’s house?)

  15. Molly says:

    Just met with the school counselor about Kiddo graduating a semester early, as we had been told was possible. It seems that graduating a semester early is not allowed, HOWEVER she can graduate a YEAR early. To do so, she would have take English 3 this summer and then be a senior come August. I’m not sure just how I feel about that.

  16. dhcoop says:

    I think it’s hysterical that the dude wanted in the standoff in Madison County surrendered to Bert Case!

  17. parrotmom says:

    Molly you concerned about losing your girl a year before you ready? That is a tough call.

    MrsH great job in pulling together a cool looking outfit.

    Hello Sherby, welcome aboard. Maybe a holiday will be around shortly to get you a break.

  18. Mrs. H says:

    C-lady, I thought I saw one of your namesakes in the birdbath, but on closer inspection is was a house finch and several of his brothers . . . and one bluebird. Usually the bluebirds don’t get in there with other birds, but the warm weather must have made them comrades.

  19. OldBopper says:

    Woo Hoo! Just finished a 3 hour ride on Boule! Nice weather for riding, just a little windy but the temps are perfect.

    Welcome Sherby! Hang around and we’ll throw a picnic in your honor. This is a crazy group but we’ve been together so long we’re almost like family.

  20. cardinallady says:

    Hey Sherby! Welcome in. Please don’t be a stranger. We like to laugh, cry and pray together here. Just a lovely place to get inspired and have a shoulder to lean on when things are hard. This place is truly our bridge over troubled waters … okay … that’s your song for the day!

    Mrs. H, I’ve been seeing quite a number of cardinals at my place. They like the fact that I finally splurged and bought some sunflower seed and am feeding more of those out there. I’ve got to plant some sunflowers this spring.

    Oh man! OB I’ve got spring fever! I sat outside with CardinalSon when I went home for lunch and did not want to come inside. My editor insists that I finish this story. He is such a slave driver. :)

    • dhcoop says:

      I’m seeing lots of large groups of birds gathering here the past few days. Did you see my post about the male robins the other day? That was awesome.

    • dhcoop says:

      Evenin! Welcome Sherby!

      Speaking of picnics, it’s about that time of year. We need to start discussing plans for the 4th Annual MRBA Pic-a-Nic, BBQ, cat herding, goat roping and general fun time. Any weddings in our future?? I loved the place we had last year. Any thoughts?

      I was sitting outside listening to a HUGE chorus of Spring Peepers (in case you don’t know, that’s a frog) and the wind came up suddenly and they COMPLETELY went silent. I looked at my clock and it was 6:45 p.m. I’m going to go back out in a bit and see if they’ve started back up. I just thought it was interesting how they had been SO loud and numerous, and then completely stopped at one time.

  21. dhcoop says:

    Well, heck. That posted in the wrong place. Anyhoo…Evenin!

  22. OldBopper says:

    PQ and engaged daughter are going wedding cake tasting tomorrow.

  23. Legal Eagle says:

    Welcome Sherby! I hope you will put in your two cents often.

    Coop, you’re absolutely right about the pic-a-nick, goat roping, wedding location and I totally agree with what you said about loving our location from last year. We may want to think about calling Roosevelt now and maybe moving the shindig up a little earlier before it gets beastly hot. They require a deposit, which you know, and we will pass a hat around at the picnic to reimburse the depositor. I don’t have any conflicts coming up over the next months, but we just need to check with Marshall and make sure it fits his schedule. After all, without him, we wouldn’t have a “daddy” for all the MRBA’ers.

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