Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 8

Goal Weight: 195

We weighed in this morning, at according to their scales, I’ve lost 10 lbs. this week, making for a total of 17 lbs. lost in two weeks. I started with their weight-ins at 241. So if my math is right, that puts me at 224 on their scale.

I can already see a difference in my face and in my body. My clothes are looser and my energy is up (don’t get me wrong, I am tired from the 14-hour days).  But all and all, positive change is happening.  With energy, I can make the other changes in my life that I want to make.

I also am sitting with a bag of ice on my ankle because I twisted it while running laps around the gym. I stepped on a weight that was sitting out, my ankle turned, I heard a pop and now I have it elevated with a bag on it.  The good news is that I can put weight on it. The bad is that is that it hurts.  I get paranoid about injury when I am making such progress.  Ask me about my aborted training run for the Memphis Marathon sometime.  I’ll tell you a real sob story.

Tomorrow I will run 30 minutes.  My goal is to run more than that. Sunday is a day of rest (as it should be) and then I’ll run again early Monday morning.

And then Day 9 is next Tuesday.

I’m not doing anything special.  Anyone can do what I’m doing. I’m just making better choices in my life so I can live to make better choices.

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3 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog Day 8

  1. Joshua J. Chancey says:

    I am a very new reader and really enjoy taking this workout journey with you. Keep up the great work because you are inspiring many.

    Joshua J. Chancey
    Twitter: @chanceyjj
    LinkedIn: Joshua J. Chancey

  2. parrotmom says:

    Ouch, sorry about the ankle. Take care of it, but will probably remain sore.

  3. Glennis says:

    Wow, what remarkable progress, Marshall! It is personally inspiring. Where do I sign up? I was a size 4 or smaller my entire life, until a medically induced trainwreck changed everything a few years ago. I’m very grateful to have survived it; but I want to get back to really living again. It’s like I’m stuck in someone else’s body. What is your secret? Seriously!

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