Thursday Free-For-All

Good rainy morning to you.

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56 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Steady rain here. Not looking forward to the drive in.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, Same here Coop—steady rain, I already made it here, not to leave again soon and tackle it two more times. Lovely!!!!! Everyone be safe.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    6:21 a

    No rain here yet, but it’s coming.

    Red Beans in the crock pot. Dinner will be ready when I get home tonight. :)

  4. dhcoop says:

    New favorite flavor of CoffeeMate – Warm Cinnamon Sugar Cookie – YUM!

  5. OldBopper says:

    Splash, splash, splash. Good morning. From the radar, it looks like the rain should stop at any moment. Glad there wasn’t any seriously severe weather with this front. Even Barbie and David agreed for a change with both saying any warnings would be minimal. Just some thunder and a whole lot of rain.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! or should i say.. quack quack.

    everyone have a good day!

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning, raining in the hill country!

    My back is still hurting and cramping, muscle relaxers and heat help a bit!

  8. Mrs. H says:

    There is a giant red line advancing on us. NASTY!

  9. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Sorry to hear about your back, AW. The last bout I had with mine lasted over 3 months. I hope your ordeal is much shorter.

    Slogging around in the mud today. I am so ready for this to be over. Work mate is driving me crazy. Hope to be released around midnight tonight.

    My niece’s husband dropped off a deer at the processor for me yesterday. It really feels good to know that someone thinks well enough of me to do something like that.

  10. dhcoop says:

    OH! I meant to wish CornPop a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  11. blues4you says:

    Is it today or did i miss it?

    Anyway, Happy Birthday CornPop!!

    • CornPop says:

      And, thank you, too, Blues!

      Bouquet of red roses delivered today sitting on my desk, dinner at nice Italian restaurant after work then home for dessert… ;-)

  12. dhcoop says:

    It’s today!

  13. OldBopper says:

    Boule is home with new shoes. Boy, I didn’t realize how much I needed new tires until I compared the old front one against the new front one. I had asked them to save the old one thinking it might still have some good tread. Now I’m gonna throw it away.

    Sun is out, temp is up, time to ride! Not going to the coast this weekend. No rooms at the inns, both Navy and Air Force.

  14. dhcoop says:

    Just found out a kid waiting on the school bus this morning was robbed at gunpoint on the corner behind our office. Great.

  15. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening. got bingo with my vets tonite.. got them some valentines in their goodie bags.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, CornPop!

  17. Airwolf says:

    Happy Birthday Cornpop!

  18. Clucky says:

    Happy Bday CP. Popcorn, yada yada.,

    Having a VERY down day, and this is only week 2 of 12 that I will be off work.

    • CornPop says:

      I’m sorry, Clucky, but I didn’t see your post when I commented last night.

      You can LOL at the fact that I had a little too much wine last night so…no popcorn for dessert…yada, yada… ;-)

      Hang in there dear friend – chin up, chin up (as Charlotte said to Wilbur)! Love ya!

  19. dhcoop says:

    There’s a young woman from Brandon on AI! And she’s good!!

  20. CornPop says:

    Many thanks, Marshall, Legal & AW!! Everyone’s b’day wishes mean more to me than you can imagine!

  21. parrotmom says:

    Well if one thing could go wrong so could everything else. I bought gas the machine quit working took 30 minutes to pay. Then need size 13 shoes can only fine 11 or 13W I know will be too big. I get home at 7:00 when I am usually back with PD by 7:30 pm. At least the Parrot enjoyed his veggies and is relaxing outside the cage soon to be locked up again then off I go.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday CornPop so sorry to be this late.

    • CornPop says:

      You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, PM! You and PD are constantly in my and Orville’s prayers. He is in one of the best facilities around. I have faith that he’ll recover and be home before too long.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes. :-)

  23. Molly says:

    Happy Birthday, CP! Hope it’s been a great one!

    BTW, I saw the other day that between Baptist Hospital and Millsaps, there is a short street called Popcorn Ally! Couldn’t help but laugh at that one.

  24. parrotmom says:

    6:43 am good Friday Morning. I hope the boss is doing well today. Prayers for him and all he does. Will be at Methodist Rehab this morning for some training. So CornPop you were ok for PM recovery too!!!!! Believe me I am tired and no rest in site.

  25. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Happy Friday!

  26. Mrs. H says:

    Friday greetings.
    going dress shopping
    I’ll report later.
    until then follow my Google journey from cow magnets to Harry Potter on my latest blog post.

  27. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning, MRBA! It’s been a crazy week. One of the new bridge players I’ve been helping on Mondays has decided cards aren’t for her, thank goodness. Some people have no card sense whatsoever and she’s one of them. I was mentally drained Monday night when I got home. BE must have known it was National Pie Day because he got pecans picked out and a pecan pie made. I didn’t do anything Tuesday, but played bridge Wednesday and yesterday. I had 5 tables in Pearl. And I told D I would play at the church today.

  28. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

  29. Barb says:

    CornPop, sorry I did not get on yesterday to wish you a happy birthday…Computer troubles more often than not. I hope your day was all you wanted.
    Clucky, I would love to be off for 12 weeks!!
    PM, prayers continue. I don’t know how you do it!!
    Have a great day everyone!!

  30. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Beautiful crisp day out there! Have all the bird feeders filled to the brim waiting on the little hungry yellow finches. They haven’t gotten this far south yet but they will. Then following the yellow finches will be the yellow pine pollen (yuck!). Maybe we will have a little less this year since I had six pines removed last year. Actually, that’s when we need rain to keep the pollen down.

    The Senate was in session for 7 minutes and the House for 10 minutes today. They’ll be back at 4 pm on Monday.

    Marshall, enjoyed your story today. If only that would happen.

    AW, hope the back is better today.

  31. cardinallady says:

    Good late morning everybody! I took yesterday off for my January 1 holiday and I have an announcement to make.

    I can now see my closet floor, It is made of wide pine boards and it is light brown. I actually washed it and the walls down yesterday. I can also see my bedroom floor. It is made of maple boards … and it’s brown …

    And best of all, I found my grandmother’s tiger’s eye stone necklace that I have been hunting. I squalled for five minutes.

    Now, down to birthday wishes.
    Happppyyy Birrrrrtthhhdaaayyyy toooo youuuuu! Happppyyy Birrrrrtthhhdaaayyyy toooo youuuuu!Happppyyy Birrrrrtthhhdaaayyyy deeeaarrr Cooorrrnnnpoooooop! Happppyyy Birrrrrtthhhdaaayyyy toooo youuuuu!
    [You should be proud of me, I put extra “o’s” in there so it wouldn’t come out Cornpoop. :)]

    Okay, there is your grin for the day.

    AW I do hope your back gets better, and Old Bopper, you are burning up that road too much with that motorcycle boy!

    Blues, did you get relieved of duty last night?

  32. cardinallady says:

    Clucky! Cheer up! I’m sure you have a flower ordering magazine somewhere in your house. Plant your flower garden on paper. *siggghhh* Mentioning the magazine really makes me miss Grandmother. She got two to three every year and spent hours perusing them in January and February. I can still see the brilliant colors of the hemlocks and snap dragons, the big beautiful weeping willow trees …

  33. Airwolf says:

    Morning guys! I got up, had breakfast, popped a muscle relaxer and boom I’m asleep again. Back is better but sore as all get out!

  34. Molly says:

    Clucky, do you not like being off from work? I LOVED it, whether it was the 8 weeks when I had my back surgery or the 3 months or so when I was between jobs (both times). I think I was made to be a stay at home mom. Unfortunately I didn’t marry a man who was made to have the income to support a stay at home mom. Oh, if only I knew then what I know now…

  35. cardinallady says:

    Alright for those of you who have been around awhile, read this headline I got from

    Tubby tabby gets revolutionary new knee joint
    Because Cyrano weighs more than 20 pounds, amputating his cancer-weakened leg was out of the question. So the tubby tabby’s owners turned to doctors and engineers at North Carolina State University to get him back into mice-catching trim.

    Now how many of you thought of Marshall’s cat … Sam … that liked to make our day and drive Marshall nuts.

  36. msblondie says:

    it is about that time of day. everyone have a great evening and weekend.
    M is off to D’Now this weekend so it will be quiet around the house for us.

  37. Mrs. H says:

    Our church is having the annual GA Mother/Daughter Sleepover. Since my girls are no longer GAs, I don’t have to attend. But Em & El still feel compelled to go (at the urging of Mrs. Connie) so Em baked 60 cupcakes this week and I delivered them to the church this morning.

    I almost forgot to tell you: I SAID YES TO A DRESS for my daughter’s wedding!! Em was prophetic when she told me NOT to buy the nude-colored shoes. “Mom, don’t get those. You know you’ll probably pick out a gray dress.” How well she knows me! It’s actually called pewter: a rather shiny, silvery gray. I’m so glad the back up plan (on-line purchase of the slightly damaged dress I saw in Atlanta) fell through. Even though it appeared to be available in royal blue on the website, if you selected that choice, you got the “your selection is not available” red message. I like this one even better. I’m ready for the wedding now.

  38. dhcoop says:


    MrsH, you will look stunning in pewter!

    I’m fixing myself some TGI Fridays buffalo wings out of a box. I know better than to go into Dollar General hungry…

  39. parrotmom says:

    Sounds like a very good color for you MrsH.

    I had a chocolate milkshake from Sonic for supper. Yummm!

  40. OldBopper says:

    Had a chocolate shake from Sonic this afternoon. They do a good job with shakes.

    MrsH, glad you found a dress you like. I’m sure you will look stunning at the wedding.

  41. Barb says:

    Evening everyone!
    One more day and then off for 3, work 2 and then off for 5 days!! Yay!!!!!
    Have a good sleep!!

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