Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great week.

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32 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. blues4you says:

    Good morning folks.

    Back at work near Baton Rouge since saturday and glad of it. Hope everyone is well.

  2. dhcoop says:


    There was sleet on my truck when I left for work this morning. brrrrr

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Monday morning to everyone. I am off this week so that PD and I can get a working schedule and to know how all of this is going to be put together, My head is spinning like crazy from thinking.
    I agree it is BRRRRRR!!!

  4. Msblondie says:

    Made it to DSU with M. all have a good day

  5. OldBopper says:

    Good morning. Glad I don’t have to work outside in this weather. Thinking of the guys who ride on the back of residential garbage trucks. Been there, done that.

  6. cardinallady says:

    Good morning everybody. I saw so many lovely cardinals in my trees today. They were swarming my feeders. I have one feeder that I made from the bottom part of my old mailbox stand. Uh oh, let’s see if I can describe it.

    It is one of those metal ones that was made from a metal porch supporter cut in half you know those kind that had the “S” curves welded between two square pieces of metal. This was welded to a metal wheel well to make it stand up. Two pieces of flat metal bent to cradle the mail box were welded to the top of the stand. The highway department said I had to go to a wooden stand when they took back our road.

    Now that stand is about ten feet from my bedroom window with a large dead tree branch wired to it and an old white pan with red rim on it is in the ‘cradle’. The birds cover up the little branch and wait on their turn to drop into the pan.

    Now that I’ve bored you to death. Wake up and have a great day! I’ll be in more today because my editor and I came in yesterday and did the front page. And I did page two Friday. All I have to worry about this morning is writing my column. Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anybody.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Brrrr

    Waiting to see what today holds. Have a good one!

  8. Old Bopper says:

    Was completing a form requesting a DD-214 from the military records center. When I put in my serial number, it kicked the request out saying it was an invalid number. I checked and it was correct but again it said incorrect. So, I deleted any spaces between the numbers and it took it as valid.

    AW, funny thing about this is I have a complete copy of my Dad’s 201 file in my cabinet. I know I have a copy of mine somewhere. Just wish I knew where. I did find my certificate of VA Loan eligibility from March 4, 1977. It was filed with my life insurance policies. DD 214 ought to be there too.

    For those still wondering, the DD214 is an official record of your total military service showing places, promotions, awards, and separation date. It’s the key that unlocks the treasure chest of military benefits. I need it so I can get some hearing aids.

    • Airwolf says:

      OB I made a complete copy of my 201 and medical records before I retired. It makes it easier when filing a VA claim and such.

  9. Old Bopper says:

    According to my homespun weather service, we, in Brandon, should have rain in the next 45 minutes to an hour.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    I think I may live after all. I’m on my second cup of coffee with cream brulee creamer and actually ate some blueberry muffins, the only thing I’ve eaten since last Thursday besides a bagel yesterday. I still have planned nothing to do and nowhere to be until this Thursday.

    My daugher in Oxford called this morning and said they were expecting snow today. Of course, since her divorce from the psycho, she and her 4 children are depending on the city buses to get everywhere they need to go, so I can’t help but worry about them especially with snow predicted and long walks included in their bus schedules.

  11. OldBopper says:

    A bit of sleet is falling. Almost on schedule.

  12. parrotmom says:

    I am freezing in my home. I may need to go sit in the vehicle to get warm. Maybe I will start a fire? I sure am going to hate having to go back to work next week. I haven’t enjoyed everything I have had to so far, but am so glad I am not running up and down the roads and not having to use my brain —very much. I used excel this morning to do a reminder page of PD on favorite channels and their numbers, that about did me in.
    He is taking a nap and maybe I should too!!! I could get warm and the rat could reappear?

  13. parrotmom says:

    Blues glad you are back on the clock!!! Always good to hear from you.

    Coop or Clucky, do you think my Itty Bitty will ever get used to PD in the house again. I had to grab her last night and brought her to the computer room and she was fine, but she want even come to the food bowl by the door to eat and this is after he is in the bed and I have removed the foreign objects. Maybe she is scared of the rat? Friday night was hilarious when I heard the rat jump either on or off the parrots cage, Tinker Bell the calico–fat—I mean fluffy kittie hi-tailed (waddled) her way trying to catch up with it.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    Busy weekend. Em needed new shoes for our early morning walks. It took 4 stores to find the one that carried her size: a 6. Finally got them and then stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up the metal arch that the Eldest wants to use in the wedding. I have plans for it in my yard after her big day. :)

    While we were shopping in Mobile, Mr. H went to Hattiesburg Cycle and came home on a new bike: a Super Tenere
    Now we both have Yamahas.

    • OldBopper says:

      Wow! A nice bike but too tall for us short people. ABS brakes, traction control, and a 6 gallon tank. Very nice. Which model is yours?

  15. Mrs. H says:

    One of the fields around here has been fertilized with chicken manure. We hold our breaths if we have to walk to the other building.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Like I predicted the rat came out he is not as big as I would have thought. I heard him jump on the Parrot’s cage and then ran away. He tried to come back again, but I moved on purpose and off he scurried. I need my kittie girls to come back to the den at night in hopes of catching that thing.

  17. parrotmom says:

    I finally got Itty Bitty calmed down and she ate. Poor baby was soaked from where she was at and Tinker Bell dry all except for her feet.

  18. parrotmom says:

    Poor babe the wild was calling her. She didn’t make it to 8:30 before going out.

    Nite to all!! When is the rain leaving?

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