Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have an awesome week!

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18 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, kinda of chilly!!! Off to an early start, the Parrot doesn’t like his breakfast this early so he isn’t eating, oh my!!! He will be hungry when I return later. Hope everyone has a great day. Love, hugs, and prayers to all.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Thinking about you, PM.

    Good morning, all. My living room looks like the kitchen section of a department store. The eldest got lots of kitchen stuff (including the biggest waffle iron I think I’ve ever seen. I think FSIL put that on the list!)

    Hope everyone’s day is full of love.

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. MrsH, our Emily had a shower yesterday courtesy of the church ladies. PQ said its was a wonderful event and resulted in a car full of nice and useful items.

    Have a busy second half of the day. Need to go to the Legislature, make visitation for a friend who died a couple of days ago, and then go to Vicksburg to assist with the final plans for our 50th high school reunion to be held the weekend after the wedding. Yeah, yeah, I know. Most of the MRBA’ers are still on the short side of 50.

    Looks like a beautiful day out there. Looks like the rain the other night slowed down the pine pollen. I washed Boule’s cover yesterday and put it back on. The black part is still black this morning with no discernible dust on it.

    Here’s a brain itch for this “loverly” day:

  4. dhcoop says:


    My sinuses apparently didn’t get the memo about there being less pollen. My head feels like a vise is clamping down on it.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! My car has offically gone from Smoke to Yellow. Sinsuses and Allergies are at it big time.

  6. dhcoop says:

    Responses to my hair cut: (1) Co-worker: “Did you cut your hair?” My reply: “yes”. Co worker: “you missed a spot in the back” (to which I replied when I went and got my scissors “well, fix it!”) (2) Another co-worker: “You got your hair cut, it looks nice!” My response “Thanks!” (3) My Boss: “You got your hair cut!” My response “Yes!” Boss “It looks great! You look 10 years younger!”

    Have I mentioned lately that I love my boss??

  7. OldBopper says:

    I love short hair on ladies. Will be glad when the wedding is done so PQ will cut hers again. Daughter wants her to have longer hair. Makes her look older. At least it’s not as long as the witch hairdo that Hillary has.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning everybody. Flying through. I saw a pretty red cardinal this morning stealing chicken feed from the ground. Bless their hearts. They don’t have any bird seed left. I get paid Wednesday and I promised them that would be first on my list. Til then we have a Heavenly Father who will take care of those needs or they can steal chicken feed.

    How are my dear friends today? Is it too early to talk about a summer picnic. It is March.

    I flew my uncle’s kite yesterday. It is one of those that really need an ocean breeze to keep it up in the air. It was fun, but I’m going to glue the light one that I bought from the dollar tree and get it in the air this afternoon.

  9. cardinallady says:

    I sat on my deck this morning enjoying warm cinnamon, sugar and butter laced grits, washing them down with a cup of black coffee. On one side of me several pairs of cat eyes were looking at me. On the other side my giant brown dog glanced at me and at the bowl and licked her mouth ever so slightly. She raised her lip a bit and sent the cats back a step or two. My grits were safe. For now. They were really good. I rewarded the cats and the dog with one spoon each, and they licked the bowl clean. Won’t have to wash that one. :)

  10. dhcoop says:

    Mom sent my “boys” some brunswick stew for lunch today. I fixed a pan of cornbread and pulled some fresh onions to go with it. Good lunch!

  11. parrotmom says:

    Rough Monday!!! Mad at the majority. Maybe I can regroup and be happy tomorrow.

  12. cardinallady says:

    I had to go to Rainbow Bridge while I was on my lunch while ago. Then I had to call CardinalSon and tell him about his little feist dog. Hard day. Now I’ve got to put this paper to bed.

  13. Mrs. H says:

    I was on my way back from town around lunchtime and saw a friend of mine on the side of the road, investigating the base of a road sign. She told me she had seen a little dog run from the side of the road up to the brambles and tall grass around the sign. It was whining and laying on its back, but she couldn’t get close enough to it because of her leg. (She has a prosthetic leg and is recovering from surgery on the upper part of that leg and currently only wears it to drive.) I got out and picked the little dog up. She was going to take it home, when another of our friends drove up and asked if the dog was okay. She had seen it that morning on her bus route and was coming back to check on it. It was decided that Ms. Bus Driver would take the dog home as she had lost a dog to injury several months ago and was ready to start a new relationship. It was a happy day for all involved!

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    I went to the book club this morning and we had a full house. We discussed The Hunger Game. (The movie will be out March 23rd and I know I’m excited.) Then I went over to my Monday bridge foursome and I’ve been munching all day. I had a doughnut and coffee and the library and then I’ve munched Ritz chips with homemade pimento cheese, mud hens, peanut butter filled pretzles, raspberry logs with powdered sugar and nuts. I’m waiting the The Bachelor, the women tell all, to come on in about 15 minutes.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Evening, PD had an ok day. Is only on one major sedation meds. Still on the ventilator–maybe in the morning. He is opening his eyes more and more but doesn’t look at you or follow you. He still does not follow instruction. Since we still can’t get an MRI a Neurologist is being called in to evaluate him tomorrow. I would think they could do an EEG while on the ventilator. So I guess all that is a good sign today.
    Enjoy your evening.

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