Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Sunrise

Goal Weight 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight 212 lbs.

Right as I got to 5.5 miles this morning, I saw this. The sun started peaking over the Ross Barnett Reservoir — a reminder of a new day and a fresh start. My endorphins were pumping at this point and the pain in my recently re-aggravated ankle had started to numb.  Some other pain — internal pain — washed away, too.  For one brief moment, all was right in the world.  I felt as if my slate had been cleaned and I was able to take on the problems and pain of the coming day.  Exercise helps you with your disappointments. It improves your mood. And it lifts you from despair. Stress melts under its positive, warm glow.  Just like a a sunrise, exercise battles back the dark.

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