Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?  I’ll be speaking at the Mississippi Old Capitol at noon today in Jackson.

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35 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone and Marshall I hope you have a good turn out. A shame I don’t work on that side of town.

    PD as of yesterday was totally off all sedation meds, still on the vent not sure may go back with a trach only due to some issues, but would be temporary. Is having GI issues so hasn’t had food in soon to be 2 days. He sometimes follows commands and sometimes not just stares arournd some and sometimes fixes on something and has looked at me but does not respond if he knows me or not–that’s ok he is coming around. Only road block I am facing is how to take care of him for the 9 hrs I have to be at work. From what I am being told our heathcare doesn’t pay for sitters and from all accounts he does not qualify for medicaid unless the social workers at the hospital has some extra knowledge. Praying they do.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Happy Hump Day to all!!! It is supposed to be down hill the rest of the week. I am still not at the top yet :(

    Hey Clucky, we both may need to be on street corner somewhere for donations!!!

  3. blues4you says:

    Good morning errybody.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Another busy day ahead. Hope everyone has a good one!

  5. Clucky says:


  6. OldBopper says:

    Good morning. Beautiful day in store. Just finished packing up brownies for a trip to the Capitol. Those baked in the glass dish got a little too well done on the outside edges. First time that has ever happened to me. So those get to stay at home.

    Heading to the Capitol in a few. Wow! Hope to catch up with the boss for his noon speech. I guess it is open to the public.

  7. parrotmom says:

    What Community College coastal area (MS) are the “Dawgs” I think they had like an open house thing going on yesterday?

  8. Mrs. H says:

    trying out a new snack today: roasted chick peas. Very tasty.

  9. GrammarGirl says:

    Following up from yesterday’s FFA to Clucky. Hunger Games series books 2 and 3 are not out in paperback yet. I think Catching Fire is probably close, but we haven’t found it quite yet. And if you haven’t read Hunger Games, do it. It is awesome! I loved the Dragon Tattoo series. All three books were good, but I think I liked the last one best.
    Morning, everybody!

    • Mrs. H says:

      I just finished “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest”. I liked the series in general, but I have to be careful who I recommend it to. It’s a bit brutal in places. I wonder if Stieg Larsson wrote others before he passed away.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I got all 3 from the library months ago and absolutely loved them. I’m dying to see the first movie on March 23rd. I’ve heard they are going to break Mockinjay into 2 movies, so that there will be 4 movies in all. The Hunger Games was the book we discussed in the book club Monday and some of us loved it and some of the little old ladies thought it was too violent. I told them they would be violent too if the government controlled what they had to eat and they never had enough food and that if one of those nuclear thingies happened to get loose and over this way and our food supply was threatened, we would be violent too.

    • msblondie says:

      M got the Hunger Games Books for Christmas and had all 3 read within just a few days. She keeps trying to get me to read them. I might have to after I finish the novel I am reading on my iPad… I think she just wants my iPad so she can read “The Help”.

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang! everyone have a great day!

  11. Barb says:

    Morning to all.
    OB, have you ever shared your brownie recipe with the MRBA? If so, could you repeat it, please?

    • Legal Eagle says:

      While OB is off at the capitol or somewhere, here it is:
      Double Chocolate Brownies
      Old Bopper

      1 c. butter
      6 oz. bittersweet chocolate
      2 c. sugar
      4 large eggs
      1 T. vanilla extract
      1 c. all purpose flour, divided
      1½ c. chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)
      1 c. semisweet chocolate morsels
      1/8 tsp. salt


      Microwave butter and bittersweet chocolate in a 2-quart glass bowl at HIGH for 1½ minutes or until chocolate is melted and whisked smooth.

      Whisk in sugar, eggs, and vanilla.

      In separate container toss together nuts and chocolate morsels with 1 T. flour.

      Stir remaining flour and salt into sugar mixture. Add nut mixture and stir in.

      Spread batter into lightly greased 13 by 9 inch pan.

      Bake at 350 degrees for 33 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

      Yield: 2 dozen large brownies

  12. dwb810 says:

    Good Morning Everyone! I now have my Missouri DL in hand. That is 1hr of my life I can’t get back. At least it was easier than TN.
    Prayers for all.

  13. Molly says:

    PM, is PD a veteran? I just happen to be studying about VA home health benefits today. If he served for at least 90 days with just 1 day being during war time (even if was nowhere near a battle), he could qualify.

  14. OldBopper says:

    At the Old Capitol awaiting The Boss.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Hey Molly no not a vet. I did put him on a 6 month waiting list for Medicaid waiver. She would not tell me the requirements to qualify just wait till your turn.

    • Molly says:

      I’ll send you an email with some of those requirements. I am slowly learning the Medicaid rules and requirements.

  16. parrotmom says:

    I need a brownie :(

  17. OldBopper says:

    Y’all I had a delightful lunch hour. The Boss is great in front of a crowd and made me forget all the things I was worried about for a brief hour. It was a welcome respite. Thank you Marshall for a memorable event.

    The brownies got good reviews at the Capitol. On the way in, I saw a husband/wife lobbying team and spoke. She saw the container of brownies and they turned around, came back in and asked for a brownie. Made me feel good.

  18. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks! I forgot to check in this morning. I’ve been at the farm and Mom’s all day. I had to take down some trees and trim some others. I’m a tired ole soul.

    Daddy is still in the nursing home. We’ve started month two. It is hard to judge his progress. He still cannot walk on his own or get out of bed by himself.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant evening.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    I wish I had known last week that MR was speaking today and I wouldn’t have signed up to play in Brandon today at 12:30.

    MsBlondie, I loved the Hunger Games trilogy and I know lots of grown people who love them too, even if they were written for teenagers. The first movie will be out on March 23rd and I’m predicting that they are even bigger hits than the Twilight movies.

    I talked to someone at Medicaid yesterday and they told me to just come by their office between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. with proof of all income and 4 months of bank statements. I need new glasses and even if I qualified for Medicaid, they don’t do anything for glasses.

    • OldBopper says:

      If you have cataract surgery, Medicare will pay for a new pair of glasses.

    • Molly says:

      You don’t qualify for Medicaid, Legal. You have to need nursing home care, or home health in lieu of nursing home. Medicaid is not for healthy individuals, regardless of financial status.

  20. dhcoop says:


    I’ve had my head buried in a major project (that I’m enjoying) and have neglected y’all. I’ll try to do better, I promise.

    Skylar did great on AI!

    Marshall, when is the Run from the Sun this year? My niece (A) is talking about joining us. Don’t know if she’ll be pushing Poppy in a stroller, but she’s been working out!

  21. Barb says:

    LEagle, thanks for posting the recipe for me.
    Prayers for all in need.

  22. OldBopper says:

    G’morning. This isn’t the day you want to be at the Capitol. Newt and his lovely wife will appear about 10:15.

    Then sometime today the slime ball from north Mississippi behind proposition 26 will hold a press conference announcing a new effort. I’m not calling him a “slime ball” because he is behind the effort. I’m calling him a “slime ball” because of the type of person he is. He is a bigoted hate monger who enjoys keeping women and blacks in “their place.” He’s a person who rails against the United States Constitution and wants to create a separate nation. He thinks everybody should stop paying taxes. Overall he is the perfect definition of a$$hole. Sorry, but I learned of him while working for the state during the initial petition drive and I got to see him in action.

    Stepping down from my soapbox. Sorry if I offended you and your name isn’t Les Riley.

  23. Clucky says:

    I have to wonder if he is from the Free State of Tallahatchie.

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