Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 34

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s weight: 211 lbs.




Very tired. In fact, today was only the second time I didn’t wake up before my alarm went off.  My body is sluggish and my muscles hurt. I could have slept until noon. (and I probably need to sleep later than that.).

Oh, man, did the bed feel good. Really good. My wife was snoozing. My dog was snoring. The pillow was soft.  The clock read 3:47 a.m.  My covers were like a giant Venue flytrap holding me down.

My feet hit the floor anyway.

We are allowed six absences.  I’ve used one.  My math says that means I have five left in less than four weeks.  I could have sleep in (until 5).  But I didn’t.

I made a choice. My desire to win overcame my fatigue.

Today we did eight stations in an hour. We sprinted. Did bear crawls. Moved our feet quickly in a rope ladder. We did core work. Ran 7.5 mph on a treadmill.  We hit the weight room. And did more sprints. We ran on the track.  Let’s just say that we were in constant motion.

Fatigue is the mother of procrastination. Trust me on that one. And honestly, I could have waited and worked out tomorrow. But I went anyway.  Maybe it wasn’t my best workout. But as Woody Allen once said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

I’m glad I did. But wow, I’m exhausted.

I need some caffeine.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 34

  1. DW says:

    If it gives you any inspiration, I saw you MC the Nightingale Awards the other night, and you look amazing!

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