Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning!  It’s 3:49, the pollen is thick and the moon is full. It’s the start of another great day.

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24 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Marshall and so glad you get to experience the wonderful time of the morning. Happy Thursday to everyone that joins in today or are lurking.

    PD is off the ventilator as of lunch yesterday. He is having some GI issues I think to day is day 4. No food–formula in his case. I can’t help but think if they were to start him back slowly it would do him some good. The rate he is going now I am afraid of aspiration or a bleeding ulcer. The doc made the comment that he would not be coming home. The tone I heard made it sound indefinite, but then again I am still kicking my self in the back side. So maybe my guilt makes me feel that way.

    Itty Bitty never came home last night and I have not seen hide nor hair of her so far this morning. Her sister poor thing only ate her half of the food and stayed at the door as if to be watching out for her best friend.

    Love and hugs to all, have a great day.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Update she was finally at the food bowl after my last post :)

  3. Mrs. H says:

    PM, when I think of all the sacrifices that you have made and are still making for your beloved, I can see nothing that should invoke guilt on your part. ((PM))

  4. blues4you says:

    Good morning folks.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day! Walking out the door this morning was like walking through a green fog. I held my breath from the door to the car. I am not up for loosing my voice for 2 months again.

    PM GREAT BIG HUGS! you have nothing to feel guilty over. we are here and we love you both.

  6. dhcoop says:


    (((((PM))))))! !!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Hi y’all. Lungs shutting down. I have this love-hate relationship with my Bradford Pear tree this time of the year. It is BEAUTIFUL to look at but my lungs don’t like it.

  8. cardinallady says:

    (((((((((((((PM)))))))))))))) hang in there dear!

  9. blues4you says:

    Last summer I worked 2 wells in the old Laurel Field. I’ve been waiting to hear about a 5 well continuation of that project. The wells start this week but I’m not included. They feel they would only be duplicating data that they already have(thanks to my previous work) so they have eliminated my services and thus my cost. I has a sad. I guess that’s called “working your way out of a job”.

    Oh well, the good news is I have about 3 more weeks here in s. la.

  10. dhcoop says:

    Blues, you are just too good for your own good!

    I’m fixing chicken tacos for lunch. Smelling good right about now. :)

    • blues4you says:

      I’m having a pack of nabs & a diet dr.pepper. Thinkin’ real hard about some fresh oysters tonight. Yeah, I’m lookin’ at you ,OB. grumblegrumblegrumble the man’s using homemade brownies to influence politiciansgrumblegrumblegrumble and can’t have any.

      • parrotmom says:

        LOL at you Blues. I had a Dt Dr Pepaper for lunch with out the nabs. I am glad you still have some weeks left at current job since you did a bang up job for the other area. It would hurst worse if they were sending you home.

  11. parrotmom says:

    Gee, I killed it!!! Afternoon!! It sprinkled a little on my home now my car really looks yucky!!! The blue Explorer at the house really looks awful being a dark color with the pollen on it and now speckled.

    • dwb810 says:

      Yellow mud pies!! Pollen index here in StL 9.9 (on a scale of 0-12). You would think I was back in MS. Although I have heard that StL is very bad for allergies.

      OK, hubby has an interview tomorrow at 10:30. After 13 months is it hard to be excited but something has to change soon. I think I am about to slide into crazy land.

  12. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening! about time to wrap it up and head to the house.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    5:10 p.m. I haven’t had lunch yet or breakfast either, now that I think about it.

    PM, you sure don’t have anything to feel guilty about.

    The free movie tomorrow is Evening in Paris, or something, that was one of the nominees for best picture.

  14. Airwolf says:

    Evening, rough weather wise!!

  15. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for you hubby DWB and hope you here some good news from the college too!

    • DWB810 says:

      Thank PM. I try to write more and the words are not coming tonight. I was speaking to my oldest and closet friend today and I just could not put into words the despair I feel. To make my day EVEN BETTER, I received a message from my Dr. and a letter from the radiology clinic that there was an irregularity with my mammogram. This is not the first time but the timing sucks. I will call them back tomorrow, and keep you posted. Just a really bad day. Sorry to be such a whinny baby.

  16. OldBopper says:

    Evening folks. Blues you are bad to the bone!

  17. Legal Eagle says:


  18. Clucky says:

    Dwb, will say a prayer for J in hopes he geta the job. There has been a lot of drama at work that makes me apreciate being off even more. Me. Fab needs a whole week off on the coast to try to get over impending burnout. He has 8 or 9 days left of vacation that he will lose the first of April if he doesn’t use it. I’m on his butt to demand the time off. Nobody else in his group has school age kids and have requested off for Spring Break. I will be taking Chicklette and her BFF down with me Monday and return Wednesday. Thursday, Mr Fab has an afternoon dr appt, so when he’s done, just he and I will be going back down for the weekend. We need some US time and might even get a room; however, I’m pretty sure Poppy is planning to have him behind a tiller the whole time.
    PM, I don’t know what to tell you, honey. Recovery from any kind of brain bleed is hard. Maybe he can go to Methodist Rehab soon and get aggressive treatment. I think of you so many times a day. You know we love you.
    Blues, Mr Fab would fight you for some oysters! Then again…they changed his Crestor to Lipitor, and after one month doubled his dose. I’ve cut him from 2% to 1% milk, and tonight we bought ground turkey and turkey bacon.he’s almost quit smoking completely. I’m very proud of him.
    OB, I’m not too proud to take your “unacceptable” brownies!!
    Finally did last years and this years taxes-and floored to discover Im getting refunds for both years, and last yr MS owed me $115; this year I owe them $105. Im not complaining. The refunds will take care of some much needed house repairs, along with starting an emergency fund. Cousin Dave has been talking to me again!
    Goodnight. I’m going to try to sleep; it’s a soft gentle rain with occassional thunder. Just perfect. The full moon kept me up most of last night-as usual.
    Sweet Dreams. Prayers for you and your parents, AW.

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