Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 35

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s weight: 211 lbs.

By the fifth (of eight) station, my legs started to cramp. The last time my legs did that was mile 20 of the Marine Corps Marathon. Let’s just say it was an unwelcome feeling that had once again reared its ugly head. We were doing lunges down the basketball court while holding a 35 lb. weight.  I felt the burn and waited for the cramp to strike like a cobra.  It never did.  I stretched and moved on to the next station (the treadmill.)

Fatigue has set in.  This has been a tough week in and out of the gym.

My weight has stayed maddeningly the same.  It’s maddening because I’m eating clean and working out like Rocky.  I know I’m getting thinner. (The pockets of fat are starting to melt away, too.)  The scale can get inside your head and drive you nuts.

I think I’ll take an ice bath for my legs tonight and eat ibuprofen like Tic Tacs.  That’ll make me feel much better.  Better yet, maybe I’ll just soak my head in ice.  Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 35

  1. hutch says:

    follow you daily..keep up the good work. try some bananas, pickle juice (gross) or milk. I had legs cramps from running and it was a calcium deficiency.

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      They had bananas sitting out after the workout. I grabbed a couple of them — the potassium helped. Other team members said they had similar cramps. We’ve really worked hard this week and I think it’s just that our legs are shot. Thanks for following the journey!

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