Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day!  I ran nearly four miles in the pouring rain this morning.  (proof I’m not that bright).

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28 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Clucky says:

    Nah-proof of your persistence and drive. I hope you were dressed to not get too cold. It a little chilly this morning compared to last night.

  2. dhcoop says:


  3. Molly says:

    Mornin. I knew it was supposed to be cooler today, but that chilly damp wind still took me by surprise when I stepped outside this morning. Kiddo started her Spring Break today. All of her teachers announced that they would not be doing a thing in class – apparently they were hoping to keep all the kids away today. Worked like a charm for Kiddo.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to all.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings this rainy morning. Mrs. Jones is very affectionate at the moment: a sure sign the weather is bad. Off to the grocery store in a bit and then housekeeping and then taxes and addressing more wedding invitations. See you later, alligators…

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! I went to slept last night with it thundering and lighting… something that is very rare for me too do. Must have meant this crud and all the meds have finally caught up.

    gotta get busy – big project to get done.
    everyone have a good day.

  7. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ gang! We’ve had a shade over two inches of rain in the last 24 hours. It’s soggy out there. Speaking of wedding invitations, we didn’t ask for people to RSVP but we’ve received about a half dozen hand written acceptances and a couple of regrets.

    Stayed at home yesterday and listened to the Legislature. Had the House on one computer and the Senate on the other. Sure didn’t plan on the House staying in session so long. They all did a pretty good amount of work yesterday. At this point they’re taking up the easy stuff. The serious debates will occur next week.

  8. cardinallady says:

    Morning! It’s not just chilly, it is Cooold up here in these hills with the wind whistling down through them. But the sun is trying to shine. That’s good. Gotta fly!

  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I’m taking it easy today. Cut and trimmed trees Wednesday and cleaned up the mess yesterday. We got over 3 inches of rain through the night.

  10. dwb810 says:

    Good Morning Everyone. OK, pity party is over – sorry for the whining.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Sun is shining, little cool and breezy but overall a great day. Prayers for all my MRBA friends.

  11. GrammarGirl says:

    DWB, I have been exactly where you are with the mammogram. Although no two people deal with things the same or have the same emotions, and I would not presume to say I know exactly how you feel, I hope that I can be an encouragement to you no matter what the further tests show. I will be a five-year survivor on May 17. Tough? Absolutely! Doable? YOU BET! Prayers for you.

    • dwb810 says:

      Thank you. This is my second questionable mammogram so I am not quite as freaked out as I was the last time. I go for my second mammogram and sonogram on Wednesday.
      I knew you were a survivor but was not sure how long. You are my hero. Survivors are the reason I “Relay”. My brother and grandmothers were not survivors. Hubby lost both parents to cancer.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    I wore shorts yesterday and if I go out today, I will probably wear sweats. I decided that I really don’t care about seeing “Midnight in Paris.” I never have liked Woody Allen, especially with the revealation of his affair with his adopted daughter and he has been involved in some strange movies. Even though I like Owen Wilson, after watching the movie trailers, I decided it’s not my cup of tea. That, plus the blustery wind.

    • Barb says:

      Dislike Allen and his movies intensely!!! One of my customers was going to see it and I can’t imagine that she would like it!

  13. cardinallady says:

    In spite of trying to cough up my lung today, I’m going to do my best to stay up so that CardinalSon and I can go see the Lorax together. He is coming home today and I will have him home until TUESDAY. Halleljuah! He is on spring break but has a ball game on Wednesday.

    He texted and asked if we could go to the lake. I told him not since I’m trying to cough up my lungs.

    • cardinallady says:

      Plus the wind will be from the east the next couple of days so fishing will be the least. Grandmama always said. Wind from the east fishing is the least, wind from the west fishing is the best. And she was a great fisherwoman.

  14. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Just put a big old metal post in the ground to hold a great birdhouse my FIL made for us. I’ll try to take some pics while it is still on the ground so you can see the detail. He fashioned it after the small Episcopal Church in Magnolia. He made one for the church and PQ liked it so much he made one for us.

    AW, what kind of pipes do you have on that white C-50 and are they too loud?

  15. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening and weekend. I am about to get out of here.. been a long week and a busy day.

  16. dhcoop says:


  17. parrotmom says:

    Evening from here too!!! I hope you all have a grand weekend.

  18. OldBopper says:

    Making a quick run to the coast tomorrow. Stopping at the commissary for groceries we can’t find in the Jxn area. Will get some shrimp to bring home and maybe some flounder and/or grouper. Plan to devour some Oysters too. (fingers crossed)

  19. Barb says:

    DWB, we do not consider it whining!! Will keep you in my prayers along with all others in need.

  20. Clucky says:

    Well, plans are sort of finalized. I’ll be taking Chicklette and her BFF to the coast Monday and returning Wednesday. Thursday, Mr. Fab and I will turn around and go back to his dad’s. The girls and I will be staying with Poppy; he is tickled. I hope we can finish Chicklette’s room tomorrow. Tired of smelling paint.

  21. OldBopper says:

    5:36 am Saturday. Headed to the Coast!

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