Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 36

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight: 210 lbs.

People ask me all the time, “Do you follow Dave Ramsey’s advice?” The honest answer: Yup. I follow both my dad’s and my cousin’s advice.  (Both are Dave Ramsey and are great sources of wisdom). But I really love one piece of advice my cousin always gives:

Live like no one else so you can live like no one else.

Of course, Dave (my cousin) means financial planning.  But I like taking it to other areas of my life.  While everyone else drinks a sugary soda, I’ll have water. While they are eating a piece of fatty food, I have a salad.  And while they were snug in their bed on this dark, rainy morning, I was out running (like an idiot) 3.75+ miles.

Paul LaCoste shouted at us, “After a while you can’t tell the difference between sweat and rain.”

Well, actually you can.  Rain is much colder.  And it gets in your eyes easier. And your feet get soaked quicker — you get the point. Rain is miserable to run in.

But I was living like no one else so I can live like no one else. Getting up at 3:30 in the morning five days a week to exercise isn’t normal. It’s weird. But I can’t deny the results.

I now have the energy to live like no one else.  And that’s weird I can live with.

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