What’s it like to survive cancer?

“I could answer that it’s awesome to be a cancer survivor. That I appreciate the sunrise even more. Or that I’m thankful to get to watch my children grow up. Those are all so very true. But if you honestly want to know how it really feels to be a cancer survivor, I’ll tell you this…I feel like I have a huge debt to repay.”

This is from an article that the University of Tennessee’s Alumni Magazine Torchbearer wrote about me.  Needless to say I’m honored — but it kind of goes without saying. I’m just honored I’m still on this side of the grass. Read the full article here.

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2 Responses to What’s it like to survive cancer?

  1. Clucky says:

    Cool story. My college band director is still in the fight against esophageal cancer. He had major last fall to remove the tumor and his esophagus, followed by constructive surgery to construct A new “swallow tube” so he can eat. He’s still o. Tube-feedings at night. They found some remaining cells so he is back on chemo but doing wonderfully.

  2. Barb says:

    Quite an honor! Nice story and I love the cartoon!!

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