Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great week.

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19 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Cloudy and warm this morning, but nice. It was weird getting to work with the clocks saying 6:30. Had to fix that right off the bat.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    What a storm!! Mrs. Jones is NOT a happy cat!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! I think the rain mostly missed us last night. Haven’t checked the weather this morning.

    I see where Newt (the Catholic) went to a Brandon Baptist Church last evening and then spoke at Brandon City Hall. Rick was on the coast with some lady who is a distant but suddenly kissing cousin. They were campaigning at a local steak house. Mitt, ate at a local fish house in Rankin County and Jeff Foxworthy has joined his campaign to give him official “Red Neck” status. These are interesting times in Mississippi politics.

    I’ve already voted so none of this hoopla means much to me. But….and a big but, when in politics, I refused to campaign on church grounds or attend churches of other religions to attempt to sway a vote. After I was elected, I would attend any church if invited. Just saying.

    • cardinallady says:

      EXACTLY! OB! I like your thinking. And anybody worth his salt should too.

      LOL! I love the ‘suddenly kissing cousing’ remark. :) :D

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  5. Airwolf says:


  6. parrotmom says:

    Morning to all!! Happy Monday.

  7. Barb says:


  8. cardinallady says:

    Splish! Splash! the rain continues to sprinkle down in the northern part of Missisippi. I think I need a snorkel and some webbed feet. My chickens were taking swimming lessons from the geese this morning.

    Good to see everybody today! I JUST MIGHT get through early!! Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anybody. Jon Lee is home and I want to spend some extra time with him. He goes back to college tomorrow. Spring Break means play extra solftball games.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    Ouch!! just returned from paying for the wedding flowers!!

  10. dwb810 says:

    Good Afternoon Everyone. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

  11. msblondie says:

    hope everyone has a good evening. been a busy day.

  12. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    It’s has rained ALL day here in s. la. A good bit of lightning around noonish but that’s seems to have moved on.

    MrsBlues transmission went out with a bang on saturday. thank goodness she wasn’t stranded too long. Rebuild will be $1500-16oo I am told.

    My prescriptions were lost in the mail for 10 days. I’m not going to tell how high my blood pressure has been.

    Other than that, I’m doing just fine….sigh.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Oh my so sorry Blues for the Blues. You just sing on. Glad MrsBlues was taken care of. Watch out with you blood pressure.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Evening, everyone! Doing what I do best, just sitting and watching PD.

  15. dhcoop says:


  16. dhcoop says:


    First night I haven’t brought my laptop home to work in a week. Tonight has been seed night. Been working on getting the peppers and tomatoes I’ve sprouted potted up. Getting ready to garden!

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