Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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29 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to all!! Happy THursday. Hope you all have a great day. Talk of moving PD is it too soon, he is still inrestraints? Other issues but maybe the next place will listen. For a brain injury to heal, sleep is needed he isn’t getting but maybe 5 hours a day–main reason he is confused and half the time he is in his own world. Duh!!! it would also be nice if some neuro doctor would come and talk to me I have questions and after he spouted off at me last Wednesday he has never showed up since. I guess surgery means money and no surgery means goodbye withour explanations as to what maybe to expect or not. I know it isn’t textbook but????
    Off my soap box.

    Prayers for everyone, Lord we all need them.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Bless you PM. ((((PM))))

    Headed to a meeting this morning, then on to the Capitol for a while after lunch. I plan to change the oil in the motorcycle this afternoon which I can do since proceedings are on the internet and I can listen via computer.

    Cleaned off my grill yesterday and noticed only a thin coat of pollen on it this morning. Maybe we can clean off the screen porch soon.

  3. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

    PM keep on insisting to talk to the doctor. You might have to get a little ugly but you have a right to get your questions answered.

  4. Legal Eagle says:

    PM, I think I would hunt that doctor down and make him talk to you. Doctors with no bedside manner should be made to take courses to learn to communicate. The one thing that gets lawyers in more trouble than anything else is not communicating with their clients and by golly, doctors should be under even more pressure to let the patient’s loved ones know what is going on, being ever mindful, of course, that they are communicating with the correct loved ones according to HIPAA.

    Our senior luncheon is today and I can’t remember who is on the program unless I go find my newsletter and don’t know what’s on the menu. Hopefully, I’m in for some pleasant surprises. And then I have 4 tables of bridge players signed up to play today. Our new senior center in Pearl is supposed to be open on May 1st, so it won’t be long now.

  5. dhcoop says:


    PM, I agree, you need to find that doctor and make him talk to you!

    Legal, I’m avoiding commenting about you not remembering who is speaking at your senior luncheon today. HA!

    Everyone have a good day!

  6. dwb810 says:

    PM, request a meeting with the doctor. If the doctor still won’t talk to you go to the head of the department. Call them and make an appointment. When asked what you want to discuss with them lay it out, I need to have some questions answered and the doctor doesn’t seem to have time to answer them. As always, write it down so you have documentation to back up what you are saying. It may not be pretty but it is effective. You are an amazing advocate for your husband. Stay strong and know we are all here for you.

  7. parrotmom says:

    Seems he is out this week. You would think that the nurses in the ICU for neuro would have known this? Every nurse he has had I have told that I wanted to talk to either neuro doctor? No luck :(

    • Airwolf says:

      There should be a patient advocate there. Ask for that person and get to the point of your frustration with them.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon, my roofers are still here. They should wrap it up late today or early tomorrow. It’s 80 degrees and a lot hotter on the roof. My bride has calmed down a bit. She managed to find all her plates online and has ordered replacements.

    We plan on taking Bear to the NASA Space Center tomorrow if the roof is finished otherwise Saturday. He’ll be 10 Sunday! Boy the years pass fast.

    I hope the remainder of the day is calm for everyone and passes fast.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Red wings here! My goodness. Has been a busy day. Had a supervisors meeting and they spent a looonnnggg time walking about stuff. I’m just glad to be back in my cubby hole looking at the clouds outside.

  10. dhcoop says:

    Just had a nice lunch with my parents and an Aunt & Uncle that live over in Brandon. We all met at Chimneyville. Great to see them all.

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    We were supposed to have two gospel singers as our entertainment today, but one of them is in the hospital. Our new police chief’s wife is Minister of Music at Crossgates Baptist. She and two others from her church came and sang and then we had lunch which consisted of a pasta delight, peas, turnip greens, corn bread and lime sherbert for dessert.

    I haven’t forgotten (yet) how little faith some of you have about my memory. You know Old Bopper can’t remember any better than I can.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Evening to everyone.

    Well I can’t sing “sitting in the dock of the bay wastin time”! I can’t sing “waitin on a woman”! I guess I an going to have to write my own song about “waitin”!

    • DWB810 says:

      How about this one?

      Right Here Waiting
      Writer(s): MARX, RICHARD
      Oceans apart day after day
      And I slowly go insane
      I hear your voice on the line
      But it doesn’t stop the pain

      If I see you next to never
      How can we say forever

      Wherever you go
      Whatever you do
      I will be right here waiting for you
      Whatever it takes
      Or how my heart breaks
      I will be right here waiting for you

      I took for granted, all the times
      That I thought would last somehow
      I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
      But I can’t get near you now

      Oh, can’t you see it baby
      You’ve got me going crazy

      Wherever you go
      Whatever you do
      I will be right here waiting for you
      Whatever it takes
      Or how my heart breaks
      I will be right here waiting for you

      I wonder how we can survive
      This romance
      But in the end if I’m with you
      I’ll take the chance

      Wherever you go
      Whatever you do
      I will be right here waiting for you
      Whatever it takes
      Or how my heart breaks
      I will be right here waiting for you
      Waiting for you

  13. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday Barb. I hope you have enjoyed your days off.

  14. Old Bopper says:

    AW, you taking Bear to Huntsville or Stennis Space Center? The new welcome center at Stennis is open and is particularly nice for children. Lots of hands on exhibits. I lobbied for that facility for two years.

    We’re taking the boys back first thing in the morning. Their father is meeting us in Grenada at 10 am.

    Changed the oil in Boule this afternoon. Adjusted the headlights this evening. Getting ready for a long Saturday ride. MrsH, I’m taking I 10 from Gulfport to Hwy 57 and then north to Hwy 26 over to Wiggins and 49 back up to Mendenhall. I am not riding 49 going south because it’s too rough in that direction. Instead I’m taking 13 from Puckett to I 59 getting on Hwy 53 at Poplarville to Lyman.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    I can’t get a rise out of you anymore, old man?

  16. Mrs. H says:

    OB, 26 and 57 are both beautiful rides.

  17. dhcoop says:


    Look to the west. Jupiter and Venus are having a party. Extremely bright for the next couple of weeks. Watch where the sun sets and you will see them. I looked and they were so bright, I could see them through the trees.

    I planted more seeds tonight. Can’t wait to see what “8 ball” and “cocozelle” squash look like. I’ve got more to do tomorrow. The peppers and tomatoes I’ve been working on are looking good! I think this will be a good year for a garden.

    Barb, I hope you’ve had a great birthday!

  18. Mrs. H says:

    6:10 a.m.

    beautiful stars this morning. Not much fog so we could see them. I am home alone today, for the first time in quite a while. Lots to do.

  19. parrotmom says:

    DWB, thanks for posting those words to that song. It is one I had forgotten about, but did describe me to a “T”.

    Morning everyone. happy Friday.

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