Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 38 (Day 2 of exile)

Goal Weight: 195 lbs

Today’s Weight: 209 lbs.

I ran 4.53 miles this morning in 47.53 minutes. It was an easy run and I burned 791 calories.  Because it was warm and humid, I worked up a good sweat. This is the fourth day in a row I’ve run over four miles.  And since I’m in exile, I’ve added pushups and sit-ups to my routine at home.

I’ve been taking ice baths (woo wee) to help my legs deal with the build up of lactic acid.  They have worked well.  I’ve also been eating light — the last two nights I’ve had fresh spinach and grilled-chicken salads for dinner and frozen dinners for lunch.  I’ve had fresh pears as a snack and a Clif Bar right before I go on the air for added energy.  For breakfast, I’ve had oatmeal with a scoop of Soy protein powder on it. I’ve only had unsweetened tea and water to drink.

But since I have the morning off this week, I did something I’ve needed to do for weeks — I took a 2 1/2-hour nap.  The dog didn’t mind and I figured it needed one. I’m groggy right now but know it was a very wise investment of my time.  My to-do list is long and calling, but can wait.  Rest is a key component to fitness I’ve been ignoring for a while.

So now it is time to get moving. I have work to do.

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