Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up? Besides me at 4:00 a.m.

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18 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. Old Bopper says:

    Couldn’t sleep. Up way too early….2:30 am. Now I’m sleepy. Hmmmm, maybe it’s nap time.

  2. dhcoop says:


    I actually slept well last night. Time change messed me up for a couple of days, but it sure is nice having some daylight in the evening.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning and Happy Hump Day!! The kittie girls didn’t bother me till 5:15 am so good of them. I love them little rascals.

    Everyone have a good day.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!
    Today my daddy’s birthday – called on the way in to work. Lil Man is working with them this week since out for spring break and got him while eating breakfast. I think it really made his morning.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Good morning! After being hit by daylight savings time on Sunday and having to report for work at the polls yesterday at 6:30 a.m., I slept late this morning. In fact, I called yesterday to see if they could do without me at the game today in Brandon and luckily she had one too many people, waiting for someone to call and cancel, so it wasn’t a problem for me to bow out.

  6. Mrs. H says:

    I hate when other people’s lack of planning puts emergency reaction stuff on my plate!! But I think it’s all handled now. Just waiting for my blood pressure to return to normal. While that happens, I’ll tell you a funny story:

    The last phone call of the day yesterday was from a lady who owns a liquor store just across the county line. (George County is a dry county, so that would be the closest place for local residents to make their bootleg purchases!) Apparently she has started attending a church somewhere and has been convicted to sell the liquor store. Her church told her that IF they were closer to her property, they would purchase it and bulldoze the site. But they’re not. So she decided to let us have a chance to redeem this property that is 6 miles south of the church (and in another county)! I’m wondering if she’s calling every church in a 10 mile radius.

  7. dwb810 says:

    Hello everyone! Sonogram – done. Will wait for the report but all seemed okay. Breathing now. Thanks for being here for me.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks. I’ve been outside with the roofers most of the day. Rambette is upset. One of the guys dropped a bundle of shingles amd knocked 3 of the seven Holly Hobby plates she had hanging over the sink and counter. Damaged the counter also. I’ve cleaned up glass for the last hour.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Holly Hobbie

  10. Barb says:

    Just caught up with the rest of yesterday’s blog. OB, I am on day 4 of my 10 days off.
    Coop, prayers for your friends, also AW’s family, dwb, PD, PM, CP, Orville and any I missed.

  11. Old Bopper says:

    Still listening to the House of Representatives. Makes me want to throw up. I’ve never seen so many chairman come to the well without being prepared. Some of them haven’t even read the bill they are presenting. And parliamentary procedure leaves a lot to be desired.

  12. OldBopper says:

    Goodness! Couple the antics in the House of Representatives with a Clarion Ledger reporter who has no idea of the issues. The lady can write a paragraph of fluff but misses on the news. It would be nice to see people who know what to do, doing the job.

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