Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 37 (Back in Exile)

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Current Weight: 207 lbs.  (I weighed 248 lbs. at the doctor’s office in December. That means I’ve lost close to 1/6th of my bodyweight.).

P.S. I’m back in exile. Did I gorge on food? No. Did I cheat my diet? No. Did I slack off on my workouts? No. Did I gain one pound? Yes.  It’s a good lesson in life — one that I have learned recently in my career: You do everything right and bust your butt and things still go the other way.  Do you complain about it? No. Do you quit? No.  Do you work extra hard toward your goal ? Yes.  This week, I will run laps on the track, breathe bus exhaust and pray I don’t have problems with my IT band and hamstrings (my legs still are shot). And I’ll rejoin my group next week.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 37 (Back in Exile)

  1. Wilson Harreld says:

    Read these books:
    The pH Miracle
    Skinny Bastard
    Knockout (Suzanne Somers)
    Breakthrough (Suzanne Somers)
    9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away (
    Dr. Buttar is famous for curing terminal cancer!

    You will never gain weight again…
    You may call me: 601-906-3596

  2. Fritzi says:

    Hang in there, Marshall! You are keeping a positive attitude and that is important.

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