Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Off to work out.  Hope you have a great day.

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20 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning same here!!! All have a beautiful day.

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. Voting was easy this morning. I got up late, went by the dry cleaner, voted and still got to work 20 minutes early.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Dang, it’s warm and muggy!

    Another busy day ahead. Love it! Hope everyone has a great day.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Good morning erebody! Was hoping for some rain in that last round to knock down some pine pollen. Didn’t happen. Election Day today.

    Blues, feeling your pain just a little. Have had both of those problems and they aren’t pleasant. Hope things turn better fast.


    Boss, be careful. I’ve seen several people participating in the Lacoste program incur permanent injury requiring surgery. Those legs are going to have to support you the rest of your life. Don’t wear them out for a pound of weight.

    Hope everybody has a good day. Smiles and hugs to all.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! with the cloud over i wanted to stay in bed this morning..

    everyone have a good day!

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Warm out but a heavy mist is peppering down. Roofers are supposed to start on my new roof if the weather permits!

    MR I second what OB said about your legs. I’m paying for the punishment I inflicted on mine! Knees and hips are shot!

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning. Overcast here but not noisy and coming down in sheets like it was yesterday morning. I think I was about #10 to cast my ballot this morning in Howell.

  8. cardinallady says:

    It’s sprinkling and misty here. Cardinalson is digging a foundation in the mud with college girls for Habitat, then he is back to college the second half of the day for the rest of spring break. :( they have softball games. :( Oh well, mama is going to have to get accustomed to being second fiddle huh? I’m proud of him.

    gotta finish my pages. Front and jump are done, most of two is done just have to do three which I can get done in a bit.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Sounds like everyone is off to a good start. I had my best visit with PD this morning his voice is better after being on a vent for 10 days. Still very confused but carries on a conversation whether you know what he is talking about. Still has pneumonia and the MRSA staph, but moving right along. If and whenhe ever comes home is still l
    all mystery.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Just call me “killer”!

  11. dwb810 says:

    State of MO is about to have a statewide sounding of the emergency sirens. Gonna be a long 3 minutes.

    • Barb says:

      Television has had several very annoying tests in the last few weeks!! That annoying beep every 5 minutes for an hour followed by that annoying voice saying “this was just a test, if it had been an actual test…”!!!

  12. msblondie says:

    well i just got my workout for today.. crawling on the floors under desks moving computer equipment from one cube to another across the parking lot. Past two weeks we have been moving some office around and rearranging things.

  13. dhcoop says:

    My project went live today and it was successful, although we discovered some things that need tweaking. I’m very happy overall with it. :)

    Praying for my friend J (of the lakehouse). He went in for what was thought to be a routine cath and ended up with a double (maybe triple) bypass. T is supposed to call me after he gets to see J at the 5:00 visit and let me know how he’s doing. Right now all I know is he’s in the cardiac recovery unit.

    Heading to the house. Later, taters!

  14. Old Bopper says:

    A pretty day spent at home with two computers monitoring the Legislature. Need to change the oil in Boule. Went to AutoZone to get some oil but they were out. Good weather means a lot of riders out. Will try again tomorrow since their supplies arrive on Wednesday.

    With the weather forecast, I’m thinking about finishing out the final 6 counties along the coast. Need to see if I want to do it in one day or spend the night on the coast. Think I will check with Keesler to see if I can get a room.

    Coop, glad your project went well. Blondie, hope you get all that equipment moved and running. Barb, are you off yet?

    BTW MrsH, let us know your dates for Peru. Want to put you on the Church prayer list. Our Episcopal Young Churchmen are in Panama this week. They are having a different experience they can talk about for a long time. PQ and I prepped them well before they left and it appears they are seeing some of the things and meeting some of the people we showed them in a slide presentation.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Prayers for your friend Coop, hope everything goes well for em.

    Any news on Orville has he started his procedures yet?

    PD said the sweetest words to me this evening without being prompted “You mean the world to me!!!” and “I Love you”. He was shocked to be told he was in the hospital. Somethings or clicking but for the majority not. This is a start whether he regains back to what he had only time and God can tell. Thanks for all the hugs and prayers he still has a long row to hoe and tomorrow he may be just as surprised to find out he is in the hospital… again!!

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    Home again, home again, at long last. I was so afraid I wouldn’t wake up in time this morning that I couldn’t sleep too soundly last night. Being somewhere at 6:30 a.m. only happens for me on election day, thank goodness. We closed out the polls and everything balanced. We had a light turnout today, as the Circuit Clerk’s office had predicted we would.

    AT&T didn’t bother to change the time on our phones until yesterday afternoon ( a day and a half late and a dollar short, but they won’t want me to short them a dollar on my bill), so I was 15 minutes late getting where I was supposed to be yesterday at noon. Then I came home and cooked pork chops, twice baked potatoes and English peas for supper before the season ender of the Bachelor came on. My prediction about that came true. Of course, it was the same prediction that most of America had.

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