Friday Free-For-All

Great morning this morning! Hope you have a fantastic spring-like day!

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21 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:


  2. Molly says:

    Helloooo??? Where is everybody?

  3. dwb810 says:

    Helly Molly. I am here but just barely. This is our last day without students and yes we are gearing up for them to be back on Monday. A lot happens next week, some of which I will now be handling by myself for the first time but I am up to the task. Nothing complicated but still it will be a large number of students, faculty advisors and sponsors. About 60 people. These are mostly MBA’s, PMBA’s, MACC’s and such. Very high maitenance students at a very expensive school. All that being said, I WANT THEM BACK —- SO BORING WITHOUT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. dhcoop says:


    I did something I RARELY do this morning. I overslept!! But, I made it in and am looking forward to a great day!

    I hope everyone else has a great one as well!

  5. Barb says:

    Going to work for a conference call at 11:00. Won’t take long and there are a few things I need to pick up there anyway.
    Have a great day!!

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! off today hang out with M.. got a few errands to do.

    all have a great FRIDAY!

  7. CornPop says:

    Peek-a-boo, here I am!

    Been more keeping my head down, plodding forward, while at the same time looking up in continual prayer and working hard to fill myself with nothing but positive thoughts and energy. In answer to PM’s question the other day, yes, Orville was called last Thursday (the 8th) by the new specialized oncologist telling him that he needed to be at UMC to start the high dose chemo the next morning! We checked into the Bone Marrow Transplant unit (absolutely FABULOUS place, by the way!!!) last Friday and were discharged on Wednesday. Had a real tough time keeping IV’s going, due to his previous chemo treatemtns, and they kept blowing & his veins are shot. He’s agreed to have a chemo port inserted under the skin of his chest above his heart which will have a catheter run to one of the veins in his heart. They will do this out-patient surgery on Tuesday. This will be where they will be running all IV’s & chemo treatments moving forward and also draw blood without any more sticks & bruises on his arms (both his arms and backs of his hands are still recoverying – black & blue everywhere!).

    The most distressing news we received on Friday was from the neurosurgeon that was brought in on consult. Orville does have a MASS that’s grown at the base of his skull & top of his spinal column, which is what’s caused all the numbness in his face! Everyone is almost 100% certain that it’s the Lymphoma that’s moved, but all of the spinal taps that have been done are non-conclusive. It was recommended that he have surgery on his brain the next day (last Saturday) to insert an Omayya reservoir with a catheter running directly into the spinal fluid surrounding the brain. I won’t go into the ‘gory’ details, but suffice it to say that I was a total basket case when they took him away at 7:30 a.m. until they brought him back to the room at 1:30 p.m.! It allows them the inject the low doses of chemo into the fluid that’s closest to the mass every other week, in between the high dose treatments on the other weeks. This timing is all assuming that his body will be able to withstand these aggressive treatments and that his blood counts stay up enough. He tolerated his chemo treatment on Sunday well without too much trouble. That evening I noticed that his speech had started to clear up and he could feel some tingling in his mouth and on one side of his face – the nerves were waking back up!!! The chemo was already working and re-enforces the conclusion that this IS Lymphoma and it’s being fought.

    So, he’ll have the chemo port put in on Tuesday (the day after Orville turns 56 on the 19th) then he’ll go to the doctor’s office for her to inject the low dose chemo into the reservoir in his head and can go about his business after that’s done.

    Once he’s had two more of these alternating treatments then he’ll be re-evaluated to see how he’s progressing and if the mass is shrinking (God, please let it be so!). We’ll know where we go from there and when he’s considered in ‘remission’ THEN he’ll be admitted for 3-4 weeks for the bone marrow transplant using his own marrow…that’s a good ways down a long, rocky road, though.

    I’ll quit rambling on after I mention one more thing: I have one amazing, strong husband – he went to work yesterday (after being discharged the previous afternoon), worked all day and plans on working all day today, too. He wants to continue with some sense of normalcy and self-sufficiency while he can.

    Love, hugs and prayers go out to everyone here!

    • CornPop says:

      One clarification – he’ll go to the doctor’s office for the injection into his head on Wednesday, the day after he has the surgery for the chemo port. We’ll find out when he’ll have the next full treatment at that time.

    • Molly says:

      Wow! You 2 have been through a lot! And if he went to work the day after getting out of the hospital after all that, he IS a strong man. Strong enough to win this fight!

    • Barb says:

      Prayers continue! Orville is strong and he needs that strength to continue to fight and get well!

  8. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the update CormPop. Prayers continue for you and Orville. The news do far sound promising and it is good that he continues doing what he mwsnts too as long ad he can. Everyone has to be useful and feel good about one self to be able to have that fight that is required to face so much.

    • CornPop says:

      I do hope you know, PM, that you and PD are in my constant prayers, too! I’m learning to try not to hover and step back to allow him breathing room to do what he can, but it sure is difficult sometimes.

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    (((((((((((CornPop, Orville, Parrotmom and Parrotdad))))))) I think about y’all all the time.

    I wasn’t needed anywhere today, so I’m reading a good book I’ve been on the waiting list for and finally got and eating combination bagels and cream cheese and getting ready to play some computer games.

    Coop, while a picture of squash is worth a thousand words, think what a sample would be worth.

  10. Clucky says:

    I’ve been back and forth to the coast twice this week, and today we went to Bellingrath Gardens. Beautiful place. Mr Fab’s dad and his girlfriend went with us. Tomorrow evening we will meet Mr Fab’s 12 year old daughter for the first time ever. It’s been a little stressful this trip.
    I’m exhausted, and could sleep the next 12 hours straight. I’ll try to catch up on the FFA’s and catch up. I did read today’s; Prayers continuing for PM & PD, Cornpop & Orville.
    Later, taters.

  11. Airwolf says:

    Whew, just got back from the Space Center at Huntsville. Had fun and now we’re pooped. We have a small birthday party for Bear at Baby Darlings. So here we go again.

    CP thanks for the update! Continued prayers for you both as well as PD and PM.

    My brother and family came in last night and we had dinner. They visited with Daddy today. First time here since February 5. They had all been to Gatlinburg for spring break.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    Clucky, does Mr. Fab have 2 daughters? (well, 3, because I know he feels that way about Chicklette) I’ve heard you talk about someone older than 12 who is attending college, I think. She’s probably just as nervous as you are.

    Wow, CP, that’s a lot that’s been happening.

    I spent the morning with my camera and am happy with the results (the things I learned).

    A skillet full of smoked sausage, tomatoes and okra for dinner tonight and banana pudding for dessert. I’ve had a good day. :)

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    Barb, I am so sorry about missing your birthday yesterday. Take an extra day for it and celebrate again!

  14. dhcoop says:


    Y’all be sure to check out the western sky if you get a chance. Venus and Jupiter are still hanging out together.

    CP and PM, you know I’m with you every day in prayer. Hugs to both of you!!

  15. OldBopper says:

    Evening! Took the grands back home this morning. As soon as we returned, a former pastor from Southaven had been by and left a message that he was staying in the area, so we got back in the car and went for a fabulous reunion. It was him, his daughter, her husband and their two children. We haven’t seen each other in over 12 years.

    Cornpop, prayers for you, and Orville along with PD and PM.

    Heading out at daybreak in the morning to head south on Boule. Hope to get back before dark, but prepared if I don’t. That means taking a clear helmet visor and my reflective vest. I want to be seen in the dark.

  16. Old Bopper says:

    6 am, Saturday. Just about ready to move on out. Looking forward to good weather for my ride. Hope everybody has a good St. Paddy’s Day. I’m wearing a green t-shirt.

    Smiles and hugs to all.

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