Saturday Free-For-All

Good St. Patrick’s Day to you! Remember your green!

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24 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! We have a wedding in our church family today, looking forward to it! I’m hoping the brides’ mother doesn’t check the radar this morning. They have worked so hard in the courtyard at the church for the reception, even repairing a fountain that hasn’t worked in years, I do hope the scattered showers stay away!

    OB, enjoy your ride! Everyone else have a pleasant weekend. Prayers to all!

  2. CornPop says:

    Happy 32nd birthday to my sweet, St. Paddy’s Day daughter! She, SIL and her brother are going to the parade today that’s run “in her honor”, as she likes to say. :-D

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! A little rain would sure help with this pollen. Everything is yellow!

  4. Mrs. H says:

    I realize he’s already left, but I hope if OB has any trouble on the road, he won’t hesitate to call. He’ll be in my neck of the woods.

    In other news, I finished my pair of socks made from the alpaca wool Mr. H brought me from Peru. Now I can wear them when I go back next month. It may be warm here, but in the Andes in Peru, it’ll be fall headed to winter (rather than spring headed to summer) and chilly.

  5. OldBopper says:

    About to leave Picayune headed east. Mostly foggy ride thus far. Thanks MrsH. Hope I don’t need to make that call.

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! lazy this morning.. the pollen has finally gotten to us all. sneezing and whizzing.
    had a fun time shopping with M yesterday.. finally found her 2 pair of shorts she likes. also got the stuff to make her friends graduation gifts with (most of this kids are like my other children).
    OB be safe and have fun.

    everyone have a great St.Paddy’s day!

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Oh, and my herb garden finally showed some tiny green sprouts. :)

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    My Maxine calendar this month says, “I may not be Irish, but you can still kiss me. Guess where…”

  10. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon!! Happy St Paddy’s day everyone. Hoping OB is having fun and all is going well for him. On my way to see PD a lense fell out of my glasses. Went to Walgreen’s and I can read again.

    On another note as always PD was moved from St D to another facility on Thursday. This morning running fever 102, fluid build up around the lungs, heart rate jumped to 159, oxygen sat level dropped even while on oxygen. So I have one sick pup on my hands again without a cause.

  11. OldBopper says:

    IT’S DONE!!!!! About 1:20 this afternoon I entered Stone County from the east and finished my goal to ride in all 82 counties. Logged 395 miles today. Had lunch at The Shed. My first time there. Good barbeque compares favorably with Memphis.

    Goodness PM, sorry to hear about PD relapsing. Hope he gets better quickly.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      How does it compare with Louise’s?

    • Mrs. H says:

      The Shed is catering our rehearsal dinner. I’m glad they’re able to open for customers so soon after the fire. I heard that the morning after the fire the night before, they checked the brisket that had been smoking during the fire. Even though they checked on it several hours later than they normally would (firefighters were still on duty at the normal time!), it still came out perfect.

      • OldBopper says:

        Goodness, get me an invite! I’m going to try the ribs next time.
        Emily’s rehearsal dinner is going to be at the “Auditorium” in Fondren.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Way to go OB! Glad you had a good meal too!

  13. Clucky says:

    I LOVE The Shed! The one on 53 is just a few miles from Poppy’s house. Their pulled pork just melts in your mouth!

    We had dinner last night at Lookout Steakhouse, one block off the beach, with Mr. Fab’s new found daughter and her mother. Pleasant company, and she looks so much like his other daughter did at that age. I’ll post a pic on instagram and put the link on here. She is a very pretty and smart young lady. Mr Fab couldn’t stop staring at her.

    I found out about her only two months after we married. I’ve been carrying this around with me almost two years. The hurt was enormous as you can imagine, but I’ve encouraged him to spend time with her. He has been talking to her at least twice a week since the beginning of this year. He has yet to tell his oldest daughter about her. Mr. Fab’s parents knew about her years ago, and Poppy told me last night that Granny had wanted to know for certain she was his child, and meet her if possible before she died. Too late now.

    Love y’all. Mean it.

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