Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: St. Paddy’s 5K

St. Paddy’s 5k. time 28:32 Boys ran 27:27 and 28:50. We had a great time. My legs were tired from my run yesterday but after mile one, I felt great. It was warm on the course which meandered around downtown Jackson.


Stats (according to my GPS watch):

Distance: 3.12 miles

Elapsed Time: 28:29.33

Average Pace” 9:08 minute miles

Average speed: 6.6 mph

Max Speed: 10.1 mph

Calories Burned 532 cal.

Average Heart Rate: 157 bpm

Max Heart Heart Rate: 170 bpm.

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3 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: St. Paddy’s 5K

  1. Hutch says:

    Great Job!!! Passed me around around the Capital… I was wearing green. Keep up the good work.

  2. Amanda says:

    Curious, what kind of GPS watch do you use?

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