Sunday Free-For-All

Congratulations to Old Bopper for visiting every county in Mississippi on his motorcycle!  That’s nothing short of awesome — he’s seen some amazingly beautiful countryside.

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12 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Good morning!
    OB, that is seriously cool!!
    Niece Jr’s christening today.
    Have a blessed day, everyone.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning, Everyone have a Blessed Day. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers yesterday and everyday. Doctor called about 8:15 and said he was awake and aswering questions appropriately. That is great news. He is never out of the woods and doesn’t mean 30 minutes from now he will be back in his world but he is good for now.

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m glad to hear you actually got a call from the doctor, PM, and hope PD continues to improve.

  4. Old Bopper says:

    Thanks Boss. Now I know some roads I want to do again at a slower pace so I can stop and enjoy the sights AND the local food.

    Glad to hear the Dr. called PM. That’s huge progress. Good to know PD is better even if only temporarily.

    Barb, I guess it’s back to the grind for you on Monday. Hope you have had time to rest a bit.

    • Barb says:

      Actually, our week starts on Wednesday and since I am off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I don’t go back until Wednesday!! Yay, me, 2 more days!!

  5. Clucky says:

    I accidentally posted this on yesterday’s FFA.
    I LOVE The Shed! The one on 53 is just a few miles from Poppy’s house. Their pulled pork just melts in your mouth!

    We had dinner last night at Lookout Steakhouse, one block off the beach, with Mr. Fab’s new found daughter and her mother. Pleasant company, and she looks so much like his other daughter did at that age. I’ll post a pic on instagram and put the link on here. She is a very pretty and smart young lady. Mr Fab couldn’t stop staring at her.

    I found out about her only two months after we married. I’ve been carrying this around with me almost two years. The hurt was enormous as you can imagine, but I’ve encouraged him to spend time with her. He has been talking to her at least twice a week since the beginning of this year. He has yet to tell his oldest daughter about her. Mr. Fab’s parents knew about her years ago, and Poppy told me last night that Granny had wanted to know for certain she was his child, and meet her if possible before she died. Too late now.

    Love y’all. Mean it.

    • parrotmom says:

      Wow Clucky! I guess that was a shock to you. I am do glad that you were able to work through it and get you both in tune to get to know her.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. I never did get to catch PD awake today. He became very agitated this morning that it took 3 to control him. No fever or other problems today .

  7. parrotmom says:

    Clucky my phone would not let me check the pic out. Will have to check on the main computer.

  8. OldBopper says:

    Cataract surgery 6:45 am on Monday. Keep me in mind if you get a chance. Smiles and hugs to all.

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