Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Rest & Diet

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s weight: 209 lbs.

Two weeks left in Fit4Change and not all of the days are workouts.  I’ve lost 34 pounds on their books and I’d love to break 40 pounds total for the program.  That’s three pounds a week.  Doable — but considering how I have been plateauing lately, one that I will have to really focus on.  That means tweaking my diet. And adding more exercise into the mix. My spin bike that I bought will be the new component. I’ll ride it every night before bed.  I’ve also added nightly pushups and sit-ups.  Last night I did 50 of each.  My goal is to do 100 every day.

My oldest son was sore last night from the race. I’m sure my middle son is, too. I’m not.  But that still doesn’t mean that I’m not going to rest my legs today.  No long runs. No sprints. I will mow the grass and wash the car.  And thanks to my workouts, doing both will be much easier.

We went to the grocery story yesterday afternoon (yeah, I know how to party).  It was funny, but the stuff that I used to crave when I went in there (like Little Debbies, sweet rolls, sodas, and other processed foods) did not look good to me at all.  I kept getting attracted to the produce section thinking, “I’d love some fruit to snack on.” or “What can I add to my diet?”  I had to smile.  Twelve weeks has changed me more than making me skinnier.

The challenge for me has been changing my diet, adding exercise and changing my behavior and still being able to pull of a 60-hour-a week work schedule.  My bread and butter (which I really don’t eat much of anymore) is my creativity.  My creativity was being propped up on sugary drinks and food.  By cutting them off, I was risking cutting off my creativity.  And I’ll admit, it has been a struggle.  The fatigue also affected it, too.  But over time, I got more energy.  And that energy burned cleaner and allowed me to handle the long hours I’m putting in better.  Am I totally there yet? No.  People poo-poo my weight loss and tell me I shouldn’t lose any more.  But they don’t understand why I am doing this.  To quote my cousin, “I am living like no one else so I can live like no one else.” At the 10th of 12 weeks, I realize that I’m not running a spring on this one. I’m running a marathon. This is a lifetime change. And I’ve only made the first steps.

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2 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Rest & Diet

  1. Aubra says:

    I know I keep saying this, but thanks for posting — you’re encouraging me (and others) to try to maintain a healthier lifestyle!

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      I appreciate you saying it. It keeps me encouraged. I’ve been blessed that I’ve seen some great results.

      I haven’t gone back and read the first few days yet. But the amount of progress I’ve made has even surprised me.

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