Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great week!

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23 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good Monday Morning!!! Hope everyone has a good day and week. OB I hope your cataract surgery goes well—as it should. Barb so sorry your vacation is over and back to the grind you go. Maybe by getting to see PD early this morning may bring me luck in catching him awake, keeping fingers crossed. He hasn’t been awake when I was there since Thursday :( Oh well God is Good and through prayer I know his will with him will be done.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    Greetings. Drive safely this foggy morning.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    OB, praying your cataract surgery goes well this morning.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    I for got to tell y’all. After being in Bible Drills for 6 years now, El passed the church drill for the first time and will be headed to the associational drill as a participant rather than an observer. Hooray!!!!!!!

  5. Clucky says:

    Chicklette passed church drills with one error.

  6. dhcoop says:


    Good luck with the surgery, OB!

    Congrats to El and Chicklette!

  7. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Good luck, OB. My brother had the procedure just last month. Experienced a little discomfort for a couple of days. Otherwise, no real problems. He says he can see a lot better.

    Hope Banjo comes through his episode ok, Boss.

    Kudos for the kiddos, MrsH and clucks.

    Today marks 39 straight 12 hr days today. I’m thankful to have work, but I could use a little break. Hope to be finished atound the end of the month.

    Everybody be careful out there.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  9. Airwolf says:

    Good morning! Pollen is torturing us!

    Good luck with the surgery, OB! It should be over by now!

    Blues I’m glad you’re working but sorry for so many long days.

    Congrats to the young ladies. PM I pray PD will continue to improve.

  10. dwb810 says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Prayers for all in need, spoken and unspoken.

  11. Old Bopper says:

    Good morning! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Back home and just finished breakfast. I think the surgery went well, no blood, no pain. Just waiting for the dialation to wear off on the affected eye. Back to Dr. tomorrow morning for a quick check up.

  12. msblondie says:

    can someone please pass me some ben gay or icy hot. my arms and legs are hurting from all the yard work this weekend along with steam cleaning the carpets in the house yesterday. Got most of the front yard finished.. enough of it that doesn’t look like a jungle anymore. Suppose to start on the backyard after work.. That is a real jungle.

  13. GrammarGirl says:

    Good Morning, Friends! Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful “spring” (summer?) Monday.

    PM to Eagle: “I am she” is correct, and yes, I was on a ball field. :-)

    • Molly says:

      Co-worker needs a lesson in pronoun usage. She drives me nuts with her butchering of pronouns. She won’t say, “I’m fine” when someone asks how she is because, apparently, people aren’t “fine,” they are “well.” But then she says, “This is her,” or “That is he and his wife’s car.”

      • Legal Eagle says:

        I have no idea where they get the victims, er bachelorettes, on The Bachelor but I got so tired of them saying things like Ben and I’s date, etc.

        • Molly says:

          Way back when I was tutoring kids in English/grammar, I would tell them to drop the proper name and just have the pronoun in the sentence. In your example, leave off “Ben and,” leaving “I’s date.” Does that make sense? If not, figure out what pronoun would be used if Ben was not in the sentence. Now, use that pronoun and put Ben back in. There’s your correct usage.

  14. Barb says:

    OB, glad the surgery went well.
    PM, you are right in saying that God’s will will be done. You just believe that He knows best.
    I do not go back to work until Wednesday because that is when our week starts.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m back home after playing bridge with the new players this afternoon. I thought sure I left instructions for BE to put on the turnip greens so they could be cooking and that I would fry the pork chops and make cornbread when I got home, but surely I’m mistaken because there’s nothing cooking.

  16. msblondie says:

    everyone have a great evening.. about time to head home. it is work in the backyard tonight.. after supper of course… and my muscles scream NO NO.

  17. dhcoop says:


    Watched part of DWTS, then Drag Race. Shocker elimination on Drag Race, but y’all wouldn’t care about that. I, however, was TOTALLY shocked!

    I don’t know about y’all, but I’m seeing mosquitoes big enough to haul off small animals. And I don’t know what kind of cloud of bugs I drove through this morning, but it was like a small hail storm. Having this kind of insect issue this early in the year is pretty scary. No telling what real summer will bring…

  18. Msblondie says:

    Coop.. Know what ya mean about the bugs… After working in the yard a bit.. Saw all kinds of bugs too early this time of year. I have already done a flea, ant, tick, ect treatment on the yard… Nearly a month earlier than normal.

    Nite to all. Lo
    Uv n hugs

  19. OldBopper says:

    Wow, wow, WOW! The eye operated on today just came back in focus! I still have astigmatism because I was scared of the results. But even without my glasses on, I can read the small print on television ads. With the right eye that is not true. Wow!, I’m looking forward to having the other eye done. This is the most incredible event in my sight history since I first got glasses and learned I could see individual leaves while they were still on the tree. I was a freshman in college then.

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