Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Why I run

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight: 208 lbs.

Our dog Banjo’s diabetes flared out of control last night. His blood sugar spiked, meaning he constantly wanted to drink, pee and vomit. And when I wasn’t dealing with him (we tag teamed), I was awake thinking about my brother-in-law Adam (who is suffering from ALS) and my sister Stephanie.  All and all, my wife and I only slept three hours — and most of it in thirty-minute intervals.  When I did sleep, I had nightmares about my job.  Around 3:30 a.m., she said, “you should skip your run and sleep another hour.”

I told her no.

I had to run this morning. Heck, I already knew I was going to be exhausted. There is no way around it — I have 12 hours of work ahead of me on no sleep.  But I knew that if I didn’t get out there and get the run in, I wouldn’t be able to handle whatever today throws at me.  I had to have the endorphins. My time out pounding pavement in the neighborhood is my Prozac. My Xanax. My Celexa. My Valium. I had to get my 4.5 miles in.  I had to conquer the hills. I had to release my fear, my anger and my frustration. My lungs had to burn. My legs had to ache.

Banjo is going to the vet. I pray they can get his blood sugar under control. He is my best bud and losing him right now would hurt beyond words. I pray work is OK –it’s in God’s hands now.  And I hope I get some sleep eventually. My schedule over the next month involves a lot of travel.  But no matter what, I will keep exercising.  It’s to me what spinach is to Popeye. It gives me strength during impossible situations.

And that’s why I run.

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4 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Why I run

  1. Melba Williams says:

    I can not explain it–but when I emerge from the pool–I have so much more energy so likely your run will sustain you through this day.. Banjo needed both of you–we will have to focus on praying for your Bud.. You can perhaps get a good night’s sleep tonight.. Even if you talk double talk on the Air–we will just overlook it and enjoy the show.. I bet somewhere today–you sneak in a power nap..

  2. Karen Putz says:

    Sending healing vibes to Banjo and stress-handling vibes to you.

  3. Karen Meacham says:

    I’m praying for you and your family. God has blessed you with many gifts and you bless people like me with your gifts. Thank you for all you say and do to encourage others. You will have many jewels in your crown!

  4. Legal Eagle says:

    Bless Banjo’s heart. I hope the vet can get him stabilized. He’s part of your immediate family and your extended family and we, as members of the MRBA, love him too.

    And all of you who commented here should come on over and join us on the Free For All. We have a good time.

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