Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day!

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21 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone!! No I didn’t fall off the world yesterday. When I got home my neighbor met me out in the yard and we talked to before 9:00 last night.

    OB so glad you are so pleased with your eye surgery and your new found vision. I have heard it is awesome.

    See you folks later—I hope. Prayers for everyone we all do need them.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Good morning everybody! Sitting on the screen porch with a cup of coffee, watching the firds at the feeders without glasses! It’s amazing what just one good eye can do for your vision. Can’t wait to get the other one done. It’s just so odd not having to wear my glasses all the time. Thanks be to God for this wonderful blessing!

  3. dhcoop says:


    OB, our Dad had the same results. It’s really strange seeing him without glasses, since he’s worn them all of our lives.

    I just got dreadful news from my BFF from Oregon that was supposed to be flying in tomorrow for the weekend for her brother’s memorial service. I had an email from her this morning that she was in the ICU with her husband. He may have had a heart attack, and his kidneys and liver are not functioning. I’m sorry it looks like our visit may be cancelled, but I’m more worried for her husband. Please offer up a prayer for him this morning.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang! already started off busy..

    everyone have a good day!

  5. Mrs. H says:

    Congratulations to the Boss for winning the Governor’s Initiative for Volunteer Excellence (Jackson area) No one gives back like MR.

  6. dwb810 says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Wow, that sounds way to chipper for the pollen induced coma I am currently experiencing.

  7. Old Bopper says:

    Have the other eye scheduled for next Monday. Looking forward to it. Then I get new glasses about a week after. I’ll still need glasses for reading and driving at night.

    Coop, hope your friend’s hubby gets better.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon, just returned from grocery shopping. Another of my new jobs.

    I got a call last night from the nursing home informing me that Daddy had slipped out of his wheelchair and landed in the floor. Scraped his hand but otherwise seems to be ok. How does a man who can’t walk fall out?? No one knows, maybe he decided to get up on his own.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon! Flying through! Paper to bed now have a meeting with my editor. *chuckle*
    Ray Stevens song about the shriners convention is going through my head for some reason. I guess because we are going to our eye doctor’s place to talk about magazine so we can see peace.

  10. dhcoop says:

    Just heard from my BFF. Her hubby has septicemia. He had pneumonia and didn’t know it. She said they’ve given him a 50% chance of survival. Praying hard.

  11. msblondie says:

    everyone have a good evening… keep an eye on the weather it might get nasty by tomorrow.

    got a project grad meeting tonight. we just about have everything finalized..

    prayers for sure coop.

  12. Clucky says:

    Coop, sending up prayers for your friend’s husband. Having septicemia is extremely serious.
    Also keeping PM & PD in prayer, along with AW’s dad and mom.

    We are finally home. I’ve slept in my bed once in the last 8 days. There’s no place like home.

    Today marks the 2nd year since Mama passed away. I still miss her so much.

    Love y’all…
    Mean it.

  13. dhcoop says:

    Thanks, y’all. Love and hugs to all.

    I’ve been working tonight with a report I can’t get to do what I need for it to do. Seems really inconsequential considering what other folks are going through, but was a good place to focus my brain.

    Praying everyone has a better tomorrow.

    Good night. The porch light is on…

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