Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 41

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight: 207 lbs.

I met two of my old nemeses this morning and kicked their butts. The first I saw immediately when we came in to do our warm-up jog. Yup, the little white towels were folded and lying there in all their glory, waiting to torture us all.  My group got to them halfway through the workout. So by the time it was time for me to push it the length of the court a couple of times, it was dirty and damp.  Imagine pushing an iron plow.  Add to it, apparently someone decided to polish the gym floor with molasses. It was that sticky. But I did it. I pushed it down and then I pushed it back — only stopping one time to refold it after I hit a particularly stubborn spot.  Our group ended up pushing it back to half court and back and started to push it yet again and our session ended.  The one activity I had initially failed at miserably 10 weeks ago, I conquered.

The other nemesis is one that I’ve beaten regularly.  Two stations later (we did bear crawls and inch-worms in between), we got on the treadmill.  Paul told us to set it at least at 6.0 mph.  I set it at 7.0 mph and ran nearly six minutes instead of the usual five.  There was no falling off the treadmill. No holding on. No slowing down.  The difference 10 weeks makes.

My favorite activity today was thrusting a weighted ball down the football field like a shot-put and then chasing after it.  I think I enjoyed it because there was a slight cool breeze (and of course, the ever-delicious bus exhaust).

Injury report: I have a shin splint on my right leg.  Last time I had one of those was 6th grade. Probably a sign my shoes are starting to wear. And that I am punishing my legs.  I’ll ice it tonight. All I can say is, God bless Ibuprofen.

Paul asked my how my energy is holding up.  Honestly, I have a schedule that should be killing me (it had in the past — thus me gaining 43 pounds). Working 60+ hours a week is a marathon.  But I’ll answer his question and let you see the answer, too. If I had not done this. If I did not eat right and get up and push myself, I would NOT have the energy to try to achieve what I’m achieving.  I’m in a career and life transformation.  Working out is a huge part of what I am trying to accomplish.

Banjo the dog report: I am pleased to say that the vet got Banjo’s blood sugar under control (from 600 down to 190 by late afternoon) . There was some problem with his kidneys and he will be retested to make sure there is no permanent damage.  He (and my wife and I) slept soundly through the night. The difference a day makes.

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3 Responses to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fat Blog: Day 41

  1. Jenny says:

    So, I totally overslept this morning, but hearing that the towels were present, I’m OK with it. I think I’m going to need a helmet next time I do towels.

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      I thought about you several times. I’m not joking about the floor being really sticky today. I about busted it several times.

  2. cardinallady says:

    marshall I learned a secret that is better than ice when I toore my muscle two weeks ago. get polmolive dish detergent and put in a gallon sized freezer bag, seal and fold in half and freeze. Put in another bag once frozen to ensure no leakage. It works a thousand times better than ice.

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