
My nine-year-old son likes Tim Tebow. He’s reading his autobiography and I’m pleased to say, he’s gotten some good out of Tebow’s example. So telling him that Peyton Manning was most likely going to take Tebow’s job wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve had to do in a couple of days.  He was disappointed when I told him.  I had to explain to him it was “just business.”

We’re also Peyton Manning fans at our house.  I appreciate his work ethic and his commitment to excellence.  A dad wouldn’t mind his son growing up like either man.

Both will come out of this fine. After being dumped by the team he built, Manning will land on his feet a wealthy man (and have another shot at a Super Bowl.) Tebow will be dumped by an organization that obviously did not want him around and will find success with a team who realizes he’ll put fans in the seats.  I know there are haters who dislike both. But both will ignore them,  take a bad situation in their careers and will grow from it.  They got knocked down and didn’t stay down.

And in the end, that’s a message that I want my son to learn.

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One Response to Manning/Tebow

  1. GrammarGirl says:

    Very, very well said, Marshall. I agree 100%.

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