The Saints

If you haven’t read Rick Cleveland’s take on the NFL’s punishment of the New Orleans Saints for the Bounty scandal, do.  The NFL took out fire ants with napalm.

But the bomb has been dropped. The damage has been done. The Saints organization now has to take their medicine and recover from it.  They have two choices: To lie down in a pool of pity or fight back.

It’s hard to get kicked in the gut — even if you deserved it.  The Saints have shown they have what it takes when they won the Super Bowl. Now we’ll find out if they are truly champions. Do they have the heart to overcome this?  Do they have what it takes to get up off the ground and win?

They have a couple of aces in the hole. First, Drew Brees has already shown that he is capable of mounting a comeback despite seemingly insurmountable odds. His leadership will be key (if the Saints will ever get him signed, of course.).   And second, they are from a city that’s recovering from a blow far crueler than anything Roger Goodell and the NFL can throw at it.

The Saints came marching in. Now we’ll see if they have the intestinal fortitude to come marching back.

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4 Responses to The Saints

  1. Tim Rush says:

    I think the fact the Saints continued the bounty program after they were told to stop is one reason the punishment is so harsh. I think the cover up by team officials also plays into it. And finally, I think the NFL is making the Saints an example and using that example to show “they care” about violent head injuries. This is all about building a defense against concussion lawsuits to come in future years.


    Tim Rush

    • Marshall Ramsey says:

      I think you are correct on all counts. Personally, I think it was a little harsh — I have three boys and have to make examples of one for their brothers all the time. But my point is this: OK — it’s done. Now how are they going to respond.

      • Tim Rush says:

        I think the actions taken by the NFL against the Saints will complicate their season, but I still expect the team to do very well. You can take away Sean Payton and some of the other coaches, but Drew Brees (if they can sign him) and the rest of the team are professionals. Brees is a very good coach on the field. If they are smart, they’ll use these penalties as motivation to overcome. I’m not a Saints fan, but recognize the New Orleans players are emotional and have heart. I believe they will overcome.



  2. GrammarGirl says:

    This fan isn’t going anywhere and hopes they have a spectacular season!

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