Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 43

Goal Weight: 195

I woke up with a little devil on my shoulder.  He whispered into my ear, “It’s raining and your bed is comfortable. You’re tired. You have five more skip days. Sleep until 5 a.m.”  I could hear the sound of rain pounding the skylight in my bathroom –– so I knew he wasn’t lying. A little more sleep would have been pretty darn good.  And to make it even tougher, there was no little angel telling me to get out of bed. Nope.  It was all up to me to do the right thing.  To get my feet on the floor.  To get moving. To self-motivate. I think anyone in the Fit4Change program felt my pain this morning. This morning was prime sleeping weather. But my feet hit the floor and I drove in the pouring rain into Jackson.  Change for the good doesn’t happen when you sleep in.

For some reason I was just extremely hungry yesterday. Everyday, I pack lunch and snacks to make sure I make good food choices throughout my 12-hour work day.  (I eat for energy as much as I do for anything else.)  But by noon, I had run out of gas (and food.)  I stopped by Walgreens on the way to my second job and picked up a couple of Clif Bars and a box of dates.  I scarfed them down.  And when I got home, I ate more dinner than I usually do. It’s maddening.  I have been stuck around 209 for a while and probably even have gained a pound.  I’ve been busting my butt when it comes to exercise.  And I’m exhausted.  Next week will be crazy (thanks to trips to Oxford and Columbus and most likely out of state).  Doing Fit4Change and keeping up my schedule isn’t easy.  But the exercise is necessary.  I’d probably weigh 260 by now I hadn’t started making good choices. Did I mention I’m hungry?

Checklist of things I can now do fairly well:

1. Bear crawl:    √

2. Push towels: √

3. Inch worms √

4. Run suicides  √

5. Push-ups √

6. Crab walks √

7. Run on the treadmill at 7 mph √

8. Step-ups  √

9. Stretch my left-quad leg muscle without falling over while doing it. √

And I learned a new one today: Doing sit-ups while throwing a ball to a partner.   My mom would be so proud.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: Day 43

  1. Barb says:

    I do not know how you manage to do all you do!!
    What is a run suicide?

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