Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you enjoy this beautiful weekend!

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27 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Good morning! If I can make it through today, I will be off for three days!! It has been a rough few days at work. Ya’ll have a great day!!

  2. OldBopper says:

    Hello. Kitchen floor is mopped and waxed. PQ is doing some serious dusting in the master bedroom. We’re getting there….slowly.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Dustbunnies and cob webs are growing nicely and I think I have a new crop of mushrooms beginning. I hope they are edible.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Enjoying the beautiful weather watching Peanut play soccer.

  4. CornPop says:

    ((((((((((((PM and PD)))))))))))))!!!!!!

    Orville is, actually, feeling pretty darn good! The numbness in his face has slowly, continually gotten better and his sense of taste has returned! I don’t know when the last time was that I watched someone enjoy food so much – LOL! He’s “storing up” some fat for later on when the side-effects of the chemo possibly kick in & make him not want to eat. Then again, no two patients are the same & can react totally different to the same meds. He’s hoping that his experience won’t be as bad as it can be. So far, the worst he’s had is the roller-coaster of energy (some days up & some days down). His ability to heal has diminished quite a bit, but that too can be dealt with. His platelet count was a little low on Wed. & they gave him the low dose of chemo in the port in his head at that time. Will retest his blood counts next Wed. & we anticipate him receiving the high dose chemo with 3 days hospital stay that following weekend (the 30th).

    Love, hugs and prayers to all!

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Only 2 weeks until Run From The Sun! Gear up folks and get ready to go out and do your thing for an extremely good cause!

    Note to self: Call Roosevelt State Park Monday and find out what dates our favorite pavillion are available; check with MR to see when he can attend; etc., etc.

  6. blues4you says:

    It sure is a nice day in I wish I could get out and enjoy it like normal folks. I’m going to sit here and be thankful that my timesheet is still active.

    Crawfish and malt beverages on the menu for supper tonight.

  7. dhcoop says:


    Enjoyed the morning with my Baby Girl watching Peanut. Second game was against GG’s youngsters team, so I got to visit with her a minute. Absolutely awesome weather!

    Talked to Leagle a few minutes ago. She and BE were arriving in CS about the time I was getting to Gtown. They were about to enjoy some Louise bbq.

    I just picked up some new pots and am about to go back out and pot up some basil and oregano. I’ve got the garden bug BAD!

  8. parrotmom says:

    PD’s children will be up tomorrow. I hope they have a chance to be with him when he is good. This morning was so agitated they had to give something stronger than a .05 pill. He has slept mostly since then. His fever is 101.? The handwriting is on the wall and all the doctors ballots have been cast and only God knows when.
    Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.

    CornPop thanks for the update on Orville, prayers to you both also.

  9. Old Bopper says:

    Went to the motorcycle show. They had some neat motorcycles displayed, vendors, band, food, and several thousand motorcycles in the parking area. I was pleased that all the motorcycles were parked in a fenced in area to keep the locals from pilfering. Bought a new red and white do rag and a leather vest. Had misplaced my blue and white do rag but found it after I got home. Lost my solid black one a good while ago and it still hasn’t shown up. I swear they are like socks in a dryer.

    Continued prayers for PD, Orville, and Ironghost.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    We had the best time this afternoon. I have appointed myself official location for our annual MRBA pick-a-nick and I have a great new possibility! We went to Crystal Springs for some good old Louise’s ribs, baked beans and potato salad and just missed Coop, but had some lip smacking good barbecue! Then I asked the waitress where the treetops trail was and it was just down the road, so we went to the Chautauqua Park and checked it out. There is a tomato museum, oriental garden, pavillion and nice play ground, a big lake, and the treetops trail. The trail was awesome and totally worth the walk, which was all in the shade. I got to thinking that if there is a way to reserve the pavillion, it would be closer for our pick-a-nick than Roosevelt and the kids would have a ball on the trail and the playground. I’m going to call Monday for details. In the meantime, here is their website:

  11. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood!

  12. Old Bopper says:

    A beautiful morning to you! Early church this morning. Contemplating a picnic for lunch at River Bend on the Natchez Trace.

  13. Barb says:

    Afternoon, all!

  14. Legal Eagle says:

    I forgot to mention that there is even an ideal wedding spot in the middle of the treetops trail. I wonder who’s ready to get married this year.

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    We had an incredible congealed salad as part of Friday’s lunch and I just got the recipe, so I had to add it to our collection. I think this is the best congealed salad I’ve ever eaten and hope you enjoy it too.

    Autumn Apple Salad
    1 can (20 oz) crushed pineapple
    2/3 c. sugar
    1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon jello
    1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
    … 1 c. diced unpeeled apples
    1/2-1 c. chopped nuts (I used pecans.)
    1 c. finely chopped celery
    1 c. Cool Whip
    In a saucepan, combine sugar & pineapple with juice. Bring to a boil & boil for 3 minutes. (Keep stirring.) Add lemon jello, stir until dissolved. Add softened cream cheese, stir until mixture is combined. (I dropped the cream cheese by pieces- not the whole thing at one time.) Stir until mixture is combined. Put aside & let cool (1 hour). Fold in apples, nuts, celery, & Cool Whip. Mix well. Pour into 9 inch square baking dish. Chill until firm. (I didn’t use anything fat free or light.)

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