Saturday Free -For-All

Good morning! Come #runfromthesun today. Get your skin screened (free). Listen to music. See Inky the Clown. Run 5K or a mile. 5:30 pm downtown Jackson

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13 Responses to Saturday Free -For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Marshall I hope you have a great turn out today for the “Run from the Sun” 5K today.

    Prayers for you all. PNC and Coop and have fun with all those eggs. It reminded me of PD telling me that he said, “he wanted to go home and hunt Easter Eggs”. I know he is.

    AW I hope your Dad will have a good day today and each one to get better.

    CornPop how are you and Orville–prayers for you both.

    CardinalLady you words have been very moving and meaningfull. Blues, LegalE, CB, Barb and others thanks for all your kind words too!! They mean so much to me. I told my stepson he would not believe how many people that I have had praying for me to have strength and God’s blessings. Many of whom I have only met a couple of times but have known for several years. I even have some I have never met but care about me just by knowing me over a phone. God is Good!!

  2. OldBopper says:

    Prayers for you PM.

    Looks like a beautiful day. Hope folks have an opportunity to get out and enjoy it. Good luck Marshall in the Run from the Sun. The temperature should be perfect.

    One week until the wedding of our youngest daughter. I’m just going to find me a quiet place and keep my mouth shut, write the checks, and show up at events when I am supposed to. That’s what Daddy’s are supposed to do at daughters’ weddings.

  3. CornPop says:

    PM, thank you for asking about Orville and I, especially during your time of grief. Before I go into how he’s doing, I want to make sure that you know that although I can’t be with you, my cyber-arms are wrapped around you surrounding you with love and friendship.

    Orville’s 2nd round of chemo went pretty well. The past two days he was very tired & energy level was zapped. He really had tried to do too much right after we got home from the hospital (would he listen to me? Oh, no!). He cried on my shoulder last night in frustration. He’s never experienced anything like this before and doesn’t like feeling helpless. It’s out of his control and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. I wish he would go to a support group meeting to just listen to others’ stories, but he’s “not that kind of person go to meetings like that”. I think I might look for one for me. I’m trying so hard (maybe too hard) to be supportive, caring, loving and it’s met with anger and resistance a lot of the time. I know that he’s been on different levels of steriods continuiously (sp?) for the past 6 months, so a good bit of his attitude/emotions are effected by that. Lord, please give me strength…the strength that’s been shown by ParrotMom!

  4. Legal Eagle says:

    PM and CornPop, you are in my constant thoughts and prayers.

    I’m glad to see the Boss Man got his waterlogged self out of the river and back home for Run For The Sun. I had no doubt he would.

    I look forward to being at Run From The Sun again this year and look forward to being able to help in any way I’m needed and hope the temperature continues to climb out of the chilly zone.

  5. Barb says:

    Prayers continue for PM, CornPop and Orville. God Bless you all.

  6. Clucky says:

    I failed to make it to Clinton at all. GI issues today.

    In the mood for a pity party and can’t even afford snacks. I should be grateful, especially in light of recent events with MRBAers and our gracious leader. If you have never dealt with depression, you don’t know how lucky you are.

    Thinking of y’all while I’m in bed feeling sorry for myself. Check in later.

  7. CornPop says:

    Don’t fall too deep into that dark hole, Clucky! It’s not a good place…believe me…I’ve been there, too! Nothing wrong with a little pity party – we all need it every now and then. It’ll be OK and you’ll rise above. I have complete faith in you and I’m here if you need to talk or vent.

  8. parrotmom says:

    thanks for the update CornPop. Prayers, it is tough. PD never faced the chemo like Orville is having but the 2 rounds he had and the radiation wore him out till all he wanted to do was sleep. I would try to make him watch tv or do something and realized let him do what he wanted. I feel for you all our trials are hard and we want to be in control which we cannot.

    I need to find out what happened to Marshall and being water logged??

    Clucky sorry for the GI issues I have lots of chocolate, potato chips, and cake. I could feed your pity party :) Love you girl, take care.

  9. Barb says:

    Thomas Kinkaid dead at 54! I love his work. He was so inspirational. The only time I ever watched QVC was if he was on.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    Well, waterlogged and all, we’re going to have to start calling the Boss Man “Mississippi Slim!” And he plays a mean harmonica to boot.

    We had a great time at Run From The Sun. I helped at the table where the left over t-shirts from years past were selling for $5.00 and met some new friends in the process.

  11. OldBopper says:

    Alleluia! He has risen! The Lord has risen indeed! Alleluia!

    Happy Easter to all!

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