Sunday Free-For-All

Happy Easter, y’all!

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7 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. DWB810 says:

    Happy Easter Everyone!

  2. dhcoop says:

    Happy Easter!

  3. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Easter everyone! Have a hoppy day!

  4. Airwolf says:

    Happy Easter!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Hope everyone is having a great day with there families and/or friends. Happy Easter to everyone.

  6. Barb says:

    Happy Easter!

  7. dhcoop says:

    Just got in from a great weekend. Had a lot of fun yesterday doing the egg dying with lil sis and A. Poppy was a HOOT with the plastic ones! She would get SO excited. I can’t believe she is walking so well at 10 months. Went to sunrise service with Mom and Dad this morning, then came home and potted up a bunch of tomatoes and peppers I had grown from seed for Mom’s birthday present. She now has an entire garden on her deck. This afternoon, Dad, BIL, Cub and J (A’s hubby) hid eggs while we took pics of Poppy in the daisies watching bubbles. Then, me, lil sis and A all ran around like 5 year olds looking for them. I FOUND THE MOST! ha! take THAT, lil sis! Totally awesome fun day with family.

    I think I either got a bit of sun or wind burn on my face. It feels a bit dry, but it was worth it. Now, I’m going to look at my camera and see if I got any decent pics during the hysteria of running around looking for eggs!

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