The Jim and Jill Gaston Lecture Series

Last Thursday night, I had the honor of speaking at Arkansas State University – Mountain Home as part of the Jim and Jill Gaston Lecture Series.

The mission of the series is to:

Challenge individuals to think reason and learn. It encourages thinking that does not fall along party or liberal/conservative points of view. Rather it promotes individualized thinking. Thinking and reason based on a person’s beliefs and not trends in society. The Gaston’s dream is that the series will produce a discussion of ideas while encouraging those with opinions to maintain, or even gain, a mutual respect for each other.

Before the speech, I sat next the series’ benefactor, Jim Gaston, at a dinner held in my honor. Jim’s the owner of Gaston’s White River Resort in Lakeview, Arkansas and was named the Arkansas Business Executive of the Year in 2010 by Arkansas .  As well as owning a world-class resort, I think it’s also safe to say he’s a renaissance man.  He’s interested in many topics and is an amazing photographer.  He’s a soft-spoken man, but his intelligence is like the pools on the White River: Deep, calm and cool.  I enjoyed every second of our conversation and time together.

After the speech, Jim (he asked me not to call him Mr. Gaston) said, “You accomplished everything I had hoped when I set up the series.”

I don’t think I could have asked for any finer compliment.

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One Response to The Jim and Jill Gaston Lecture Series

  1. dhcoop says:

    What an honor! Congratulations! You deserve it.

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