Monday Free-For-All

Monday’s Prayer: Carpe Diem.  Have a great day.

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15 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Amen Boss! Hope everyone gets to enjoy this beautiful weather. Our youngest has a wedding planned for Saturday evening. So it’s going to be one of THOSE weeks around here.

  2. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Welp, today will be the last day here on this well. 59 straight 12 hr days. Hope to be on the road home by 5 pm.

    OB, my advice would be to drink heavily all week. Like you said earlier, all you have to do is sign the checks. Don’t need to be sober for that. j/k

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I have a dental checkup in Tupelo this more. Hope everyone has a good day.

  4. dhcoop says:


    It is going to be a beautiful day!

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a good day!

  6. cardinallady says:

    Morning! flitting through. I jsut heard my editor come throgh the door. Means he will be here soon asking about my Saturday pictures. I took some of the cutest ones you can imagine at an Easter parade in one of our communities.

    ((((((((((((((PM))))))))))))))) I know that the days will slooooowww down. When next Thursday gets here it will seem like you have lived a month. My prayers are with you my dear. Thank God for RESURRECTION DAY.
    I over heard my mom talking to her young grandson before his daddy whisked him home yesterday. She said “because of today we can live forever.” *tears* Halleljuah! What a hope! What a Redeemer!

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey everyone, sorry I have not been on here for a while but I was moved to another computer when I returned from leave—long story—

  8. Airwolf says:

    At Cracker Barrel with Bear!

  9. parrotmom says:

    Good afternoon everyone. Busy morning I went shopping before 7:00 am did you know Walmart doesn’t have sales associates before then. Oh well I finally bought what I went after. I went to the cemetary and took pictures of the steam coming off the lake had a talk with my parents and PD and came home and saw the kids off. I have been busy ever since talking with Clucky, going through piles of junk mail and other stuff that I had not had a chance to deal with. So all in all a good day so far. The Parrot is happy that no strange persons have been walking by him and has been happy not being locked up.

    Blues check back when you can and safe travels. I loved your advise to OB. I know everyone will be relieved once all the happenings are over and I am sure it will be so beautiful.

    Welcome back CB we have missed you. CLady thanks for the hugs :)

  10. Mrs. H says:

    Present! did I miss roll call?

    • dwb810 says:

      Oh, yes, you did. Oh wait — so did I. Hello Everyone! Welcome back CB, you were missed. OB, wedding will be perfect. AW and Blues, safe travels. Clucky, love ya girl. You still have my number? Call anytime. PM, I hope you felt all of us over the weekend. Clucky has my number if you want it, at least I think she still has it. If she doesn’t, just inbox me on fb.

      Hang in there everyone!

  11. Clucky says:

    Enjoyed my visit with PM. Love you, hon.

    OB, What Blues said. LOL

    Nursing either a migraine or sinus headache. All these high powered pain meds and all I want is Excedrin and Sudafed-can’t find either one. Oh well, guess I’ll hit the hard stuff. Goodnight! (kidding) I was still awake at 3am, after Ambien at 10pm. Crazy, I know I am.

  12. dhcoop says:


    Been watching my Monday shows. I hope everyone is having a good evening.

    PM, you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Call me if you need me.

  13. OldBopper says:

    We went to the Braves game tonight and witnessed their first victory of the season. This team has potential. They displayed some hitting and a lot of hustle this evening. A huge change from last year’s team.

    Fixed my mower today. It needed a new fuel pump, fuel filter and air filter. Cut the backyard and a side yard. Will probably do the entire yard before Saturday.

    Our white cat, Rider, is in the animal hospital this evening getting a drip. We don’t know what is wrong with him. He doesn’t want to eat or drink and when he does, he throws it back up. Poor fella. I hope we can get him well. So far the tests have not turned up anything. He’s been xrayed, given several different kinds of shots and had his blood tested but nothing shows up. The Vet said we may have to take him to Mississippi State. They did find a heart murmur but that is not causing these symptoms.

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