Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/9/12

Goal Weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s Weight: 206 lbs.

The bright, nearly full moon followed along beside me this morning as I ran through my neighborhood and the one next to it.  The temperature was cool and I could feel my heart beating its usual 150 beats per minute. The Rocky soundtrack was playing over the headphones this morning — I needed as much inspiration as I could get (God Bless composer Bill Conti).  I ran 4.88 miles in a little over 46 minutes. It was a strong run with lots of hills.  My right leg, which has been in pain because of shin splints, held up. I turned my ankle at one point (the pavement is awful) but no damage there.  I got home and did 25 sit-ups and 25 pushups and then went to work.

Last Friday, being in shape most likely saved my life.  My son, a friend and I were in a little boating mishap (read the full story here) on the Buffalo River and to make a long story short, I got into a situation where a piece of chain on a rope wrapped around my leg.  I very easily could have drowned — but didn’t.  Why?  I was in good enough shape to fight the current and free myself from the chain.  I was able to do sit-up as the water pulled me under. I managed to keep my head above water. Then I was able to reach the chain with my hands and free myself. I also was in good enough shape to help capture the boat and help flip it. Finally, I was able to help winch it back on the trailer.

The character Rocky Balboa said it best when he said, “It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”   Life will take a punch at you every once in a while. Because I was in shape, I was able to take the punch.  I had the strength to not drown.  So I’m not exaggerating when I say this, “being fit can save your life.”

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