Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a great day.

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27 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning. Busy day yesterday. We had a first fruits offering on Sunday to help retire the debt on our new building. Funds designated for that were $58,817, along with another $32,000 pledged for the next 12 months. It takes a while to sort through all that.

    Hang in there, OB. Just a few more days and you can breathe again.

  2. Old Bopper says:

    Thanks MrsH. Another pretty day. Anxious to find out about “Rider”, the cat.

    Hope this finds everyone doing better. Smiles and hugs to all!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to all!!! OB I hope Rider is doing better today. Thanks all for your comments yesterday. Clucky and I did have a good visit and lots of laughs. You people are the best there is and can’t wait for the final date and time of the picnic.

    I am off to work and I doubt I get much done, but I know it is what should be done. Love and hugs to all and have a wonderful Tuesday.

  4. dhcoop says:


    OB, I hope Rider is okay.

    Gorgeous day!

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning! I have an appointment with my endocrinologist this morning. I got as huge surprise at the CPA yesterday, I owe a ton of money! Hasn’t been a great week thus far!

  7. cardinallady says:

    Red streak is me. Gotta get two more pages put to bed. But I do have an announcement.

    I FOUND MY LITTLE BLACK PURSE that has been MIA since Jan 2. it was stuck in a black hole in the car. So I navigated the Bermuda triangle at the right spot yesterday and retrieved it. I’m scared to clean out the rest of the car. I might find a herd of pink elephants. (LOL. When we were girls mom would say our room is so messy you could loose a herd of pink elephants in it. Hee Hee)

    Alright yall have a nice southern day now ya hear. I’ll be back when I get this paper to bed.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    I was MIA yesterday because I fell asleep around 5:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon and slept until almost 9:00 p.m. Then it was probably 5:30 a.m. before I went back to sleep. I had to be at someone’s house to play bridge at noon yesterday and thought I would never wake up. I was asked to sub in the Monday night bridge club last night, so I left the noon game around 5:00 and had to be at the night game at 6:00. I finally got home about 10:00 last night. I won high score last night and Airwolf, I played with our mutual friend.

    I’ve been invited to sub with the Tuesday bridge club today, so I’m leaving here about 11:30 to get there by noon.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    Hope the docs find out what’s ailing Rider, OB.

    We have a new resident at our house. Last week while the girls were off for Spring Break they noticed a big black dog under the fort in the back yard. He hung around all day and that night when Mr. H fed Cotton, the official canine resident, he thought it might be better not to create competition for the one bowl of food and so set out an extra. Of course, that dog isn’t leaving now! He looks like he’s starving and he’s so humble and compliant that we think he might have been abused at some point. No visible injuries, though. The girls wanted to name him something from the Hunger Games (because he looked so hungry), so Haymitch it is.

  10. Airwolf says:

    Back from doctor, good report other than elevated BP. I wonder why:-)

  11. Molly says:

    Greetings! Work is starting to pick up. And that’s a good thing. Been kinda quiet around here the last couple of months.

  12. dwb810 says:

    Hello Everyone. Little busy this morning but that is a good thing. AW, you have a lot going on right now. Hope it all smooths out soon.

  13. Clucky says:

    Checking in.
    OB, heart murmur could be causing CHF. It wouldnt necessarily be visible
    On x-ray-depwnds if left or right-sided. And dogs have a 3 chambered heart so now I’m all confused, so I’ll hush. The symptoms sound like CHF. I know I’m a people nurse, but stands to reason pets would have some of the same symptoms. Given a choice, I’d rather care for critters than people, most of the time.

    Won tickets for the gun show in Philly this weekend while listening to MR’s show yesterday. I feel a “You might be a redneck if..” joke in there somewhere.

    I attended the EC Collegians concert last night with Chicklette. It was the last concert for EC’s band director of 30 years. He was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last August and given a death sentence-6 months to live with treatment. 8 months later, chemo, radiation, surgery, and now another, stronger chemo every other week, he’s still rockin’! He had another PET scan today; praying tomorrow will hold good news. He and his wife have become dear friends over the last several years. Last night was a class reunion-I saw fellow band members I haven’t laid eyes on since 1988.
    So….I have a bunch of plants to pot and seeds to get started in pots, so
    I reckon I’ll go get busy.
    Y’all take care. Love ya-mean it.

  14. Barb says:

    OB, I hope Rider gets better quickly!

  15. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. First day back at work went well, maybe tomorrow I will accomplish getting some work done. Still waiting on word about Rider–OB?

    AW hopefully the rest of your week will get better than it began.

    I am so sleepy for some reason. Afraid to go to sleep then will be awake at 3:00 am?

  16. OldBopper says:

    Y’all thanks for the comments and well wishes for Rider. Our daughter Emily has him on a prayer list. The IV yesterday pepped him up. He developed an appetite about noon today and has been drinking water. The Doc said he urinated today which would be the first time since Thursday of last week. I went by to see him this afternoon and made sure he got lots of lovin’. He was in good spirits and seemed happy to see me. I think he is being spoiled. The whole staff at the vet is making him feel special. Ours are the only Cornish Rex cats they have ever treated. The Doc says as soon as he has a bowel movement, they’re going to send him home. He hasn’t had one of those since last Thursday either.

    AW, I wrote a check to Uncle Sam today also. Dang, could have bought a nice Harley for what I paid. But, I haven’t paid anything until today.

    Excitement is building as the wedding nears. AW hope your Dad is doing better.

    Clucky, I had a chuckle with you winning tickets to the gun show. I hope y’all enjoy it.

  17. dhcoop says:


    OB, I guess a prayer for Rider poop is called for. Ha!

    PM, still praying for you dear. Go to sleep. You deserve it.

    Clucky, I also giggled at the redneck monster truck comment. Just haven’t thought of a good response. ..yet… :)

  18. dhcoop says:

    Monster truck = gun show. Funny how my brain transposed that. I guess redneck = redneck. :)

  19. dhcoop says:

    OK…I’ll admit I had just finished watching NCIS-LV, and the final scene involved a reference to monster trucks. Oh well…

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