Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! About to go run. Have a great day.

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24 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Mrs. H says:

    Just got back from the 3 mile walk. Last night it was very smoky when we got home from church. It still smells that way this morning. I don’t know what was burning. Grass fires get away from people quite often in the springtime. Could be that.

    Talked to one of our former Peru missionaries last night to see about gifts for our translators: Sunscreen! Who knew? Apparently it’s very expensive there. I’ll stop at Dollar General this afternoon.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Off and running. I am sharing the ride with a friend. We rode together off and on back in 2008 so the company is nice and it helps her out with a teenage driver now and only one car. I forgot how quick a ride home could be wihen you are yacking. Clucky hope to see you this weekend. Several fast foods, Mexican, and other around.

    Happy Thursday everyone!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Beautiful crisp morning out there. Filled fifteen goody baskets last evening for out of town guests staying in local motels. Soda pop, snack items, cookies, water and chips….just some comfort items that might make their stay a little more friendly. Will deliver them tomorrow.

    Found out PQ’s Dad doesn’t feel up to coming. He’s in his 90’s so that’s understandable.

    Hope this finds everyone doing as well as can be expected and perhaps a little better. Y’all be sweet and play nicely.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  5. dhcoop says:


    Another gorgeous day in store!

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin. Pretty day out there. Wish I could enjoy it from the other side of this window.
    LE, I think I know who you were talking about on yesterday’s FFA (initials BK?). She never was one of my favorite people, but never did anything to me. I accepted her friend request, but haven’t been in touch with her at all.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Bright new shiny day, wonder what it holds!

    Y’all have a good one.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    I’ve had to call 15 people this morning to tell them our playing location has changed for this afternoon. I didn’t want them wandering the building looking for us.

    Where is Ann these days?

    I need some help on the MRBA picnic.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      when is the picnic and where I will help as much as I can just let me know what you need

      • Legal Eagle says:

        I got 2 dates, but need someone to put down a deposit until we can take up a collection at the picnic to repay whoever puts it down and we need to decide on a date. If we don’t go to the treetops nature trail in Crystal Springs, I need to call around and get some alternate sites and dates and prices. I’m open to all suggestions.

        • Crystalbutterfly says:

          if we are having it in CS I will go pay the down payment I can get my son to go take care of it on his lunch hour, just let me know when and how much–I know it was $35 dollar at once but not sure if it has gone up and that is for the round house

  9. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!

  10. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon. Rider the cat has endured an operation to remove the red thread from his innards. The Doc said he had some wrapped around the base of his tongue and they pulled thread from both ends. Anyway, he came through fine. He’ll be home Monday morning.

    Legal, how much is the deposit?

  11. Clucky says:

    Poor Rider! Hope he recovers quickly!

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    Hey, y’all! The deposit in Crystal Springs is $50.00, paid in cash, check or money order. They don’t take credit cards. And it’s payable at City Hall. They had May 5, and June 23rd and 30th available when I talked to them a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t know if they still are. The clerk’s office is 601-892-1212. Either date suits me and Marshall said he would be available whenever we did it. The round house is where we had talked about because the ampitheater invoves walking down stairs and it has a stage.

  13. dhcoop says:


    I wish we had heard from more folks about location. I’m up for anything. I can check with Roosevelt, just in case CS isn’t available.

    I’ve got more plans this weekend than I’ve had in a long time. My nephew, Cub, has asked me to come spend the day with him in Vburg Saturday helping him get his garden ready. Then, this evening I got a text from my Bug asking me to come spend the day with her Sunday helping her build a garden! So, I’m booked up! LOL! Excited about it, too!

    OB, I’m glad Rider is okay. Darn string!

    Now to watch more results on AI.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      You have worked your butt off at the last 3 picnics to do the work of about 15 regular people, so go have fun this weekend. And once we arrive at a place and time for this year’s suaree, you will probably work your butt off this year too, knowing you. ((((((((Co-Op))))))))

  14. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone. Been on the phone with my mentor I guess would be a good word for him. He has always been a good friend to PD and I probably since 1986 or 87. He has been a life saver for me these last five months. There is something to be said about age and knowledge.

    The picnic when and where is ok with me. Looking forward to it since I missed last years.

    OB glad Rider is doing better and I know tomorrow your weekend is going to start and never end until sometime Sunday. I hope you have rested up for the big event. I hope all goes well.

    AW how is your dad today? I know this has to be trying to your mom too, it can’t be any easier for her either. I hope he handled the news well if there is such a thing when you are told you are not going home yet.

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