Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/12/12 Hills

Goal Weight: 195 lbs

Today’s Weight: 204.8 lbs

On April 28th, I weigh in at the SuperTalk Health & Fitness Expo at the Trademart.  I have to weigh less than 200 lbs.  So I’m in the final push.

This morning, I “only” ran 4.25 miles in the neighborhood.  My course had 11 hills on it, some of them quite long and steep.  No, I’m not an idiot. In fact I added those hills on purpose. One of the joys of having a GPS watch is that I can run wherever my heart desires.  The watch keeps up with my distance. So I usually alter my course while I’m out on it. Today, I attacked every single hill I could find.  Why? Because they seemed like an excellent metaphor for life.  So why not.  What?  You just said, “because they are hard to climb.”  Well, you have a point. I used to avoid them. I have a two-mile course in my neighborhood that is fairly flat.  I could have run it a couple of times. But hills have taught me a lot about attacking challenges.

First of all, we don’t like doing what we don’t like doing. I know, I know — no @#$% Sherlock, right?  My lesson from hills is that you have to attack the things you hate to ever grow stronger.  I used to hate hills. Now I realize they make me stronger.

Second, you don’t obsess about running hills.  (Or any other upcoming problem.)  Trust me on this one — I’m famous for worrying about having to do something until the point where I burn more energy worrying than doing.  Or worse — I procrastinate and do a half-butt job.  Attack the hill.

Third, well, third is that you don’t take on the whole hill at once. You mentally break it into pieces.  Me? I go from driveway to driveway.  “If I can just make it to the next mailbox” and then I rinse and repeat.

Fourth and finally, savor the victory.  I love getting to the top of one hill in my neighborhood because I can see the lights of Jackson and the hint of the looming sunrise.  The view is amazing.  And if I had avoided what was “difficult” I would have missed out on the reward.

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