Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! It’s off to Columbus.

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21 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Safe travels Marshall. Take care.

    Good morning Marshall and everyone else. One week down and more to go. God has been good to Bless me with so many friends praying for me.

    Everyone have a great day and a good weekend. Coop enjoy your gardening with Cub and Bug. OB take time to rest this weekend when you have a break it will start and be over before you know it. May God Bless their marriage.

    Love and Hugs to all.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Thanks PM and (((PM))). We’re going to experience nice weather for the wedding weekend. Rehearsal dinner this evening at the Auditorium with a dance following. Let the good times roll!

    Yes Marshall, be careful on the road.

    Legal, again I ask, how much is the deposit?

    Wishing you all a good day and a great weekend.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Safe travels Marshall.

    Another busy, but beautiful day ahead.

  4. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  5. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!! hugs to all!!!
    OB have fun at the wedding—thank GOD I only had one daughter I thought I would go crazy before her wedding was over and it was a small affair and they did most of the work.
    Coop have fun playing in the dirt this week-end :)
    PM–still praying for you :)
    GOD has answered our prayer for my friend’s son that had to be air lift to the hospital the other day because he passed out at school–he is the one that was burned a few years ago–he one again showed the doctors that God is in charged and is an awesome God. thanks from his family for the prayers

  6. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Flying in! If my wings weren’t so tired I could fly over and give Marshall a red wing salute. But my tailfeathers are DRAGGGGIIINNNGGG today. It has been a long week. Thank GOD It IS FRIDAY!!

    congrats to your daughter OB. There will be smiles and tears over these next two days I know. Have fun!

    Coop, I just got onions planted and I talked with mom and dad around a fire last night about the best tomato plants to buy. I hope I wrote my notes so I can read them today. hee heee. it was dark. I scribbled big.

    I will probably get into my garden again tomorrow. I must get some clothes washed today. Think I’m going to wash and hang them out since the weather is supposed to be so pretty. I just hope nobody is burning trash.

    Alright, I’ve got to get to the supervisors. See yall later!

  7. parrotmom says:

    The weather is awesome.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Daddy took the news pretty well. The rehab director said that they were going to continue rehab for a while longer. She said the past two days that he had worked harder and done better than he had before.

    OB I know with all your planning the wedding will be perfect!

    I’m cutting grass at the farm, got a late start.

    • Crystalbutterfly says:

      AW, glad that he did not put up a fight I know that you and your Mom feel alittle better about it. tell him to keep up the good work

  9. parrotmom says:

    I am whooped!!!

  10. msblondie says:

    This afternoon as dragged on so slow…

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    We just got back from seeing “War Horse” at the Pearl library and thoroughly enjoyed it. Some time before this coming week is over, I hope I finally get to see “The Hunger Game.”

    OB, I’m sorry I missed you this morning, but I slept late and just now saw your post. You must not have gone back to yesterday’s FFA cause I posted on it that there is a $50.00 deposit for the round house at Chautaugua Park in Crystal Springs, where the treetops nature trail is located. The deposit for the last few years at Roosevelt has been $40.00, but I haven’t checked with them this year. Since the price for going in their pool has gone up to $10.00, nothing would surprise me.

    We are on our way to buy some groceries since there is nothing around here to make a meal out of. Oh, joy, Friday afternoon at the grocery store.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    Well, I killed it. Now let’s see if I can revive it.

    We went to two bread stores, then to Wright’s on 49 South for a big basket of tomatoes (the kind that one slice will cover a piece of bread), and then to Food Depot at McDowell & Terry Roads for some good prices on meat. We got some rye bread at the bread store and I’ve already got the bacon in the oven. Menu for tonight: Bacon and tomato sandwiches on toasted rye bread.

  13. dhcoop says:


    I AM SO EXCITED!! This weekend is going to be AWESOME! Can you imagine?? To have two young people wanting ME to come help them with their gardens?? I am so proud of them both. Just think about it. How many young people actually WANT to work in the yard?? Not many, I’ll bet.

    I’ve got stuff I dug up with G this evening (oregano, sage, verbena, multiplying onions) and stuff we grew from seed (basil, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash), all lined up and ready to load up in the morning. Heading to Vburg at dark-thirty. Cub said he’d have breakfast ready when I got there. We are going to spend the ENTIRE day playing and plotting in the yard. Then, Sunday morning I’m headed to Clinton to do it all again with my Bug. It is going to be awesome!! I’ll try to remember to take pics.

    I’ll check in when/if I can. If not…y’all have a terrific weekend!!

  14. dhcoop says:

    Barb, Cub is 27 and my Bug turned 17 in November. We will have a GREAT time!

  15. OldBopper says:

    The rehearsal dinner/party was a huge success last evening. We left shortly before midnight. I’d guess there were some 250-300 in attendance. Another long day today and then some rest. We’re expecting a full church this evening.

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