Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up.

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16 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Been up since 6:00, played with my kittie girls. One will stay in the other not, but will come into eat and to get away from that old pesky Mockingbird.

    Gee, OB, time is clicking down. I know she will be a beautiful bride and you the proud pop and not to mention PQ being beautiful as ever. I had my first phone call for a wedding in September. How awesome the day of PD’s birthday. A great day to be busy and exhausted. The wedding will be in a horse stable that is immaculate. My only request is don’t send me across the way on a horse—I have never ridden.

    Going to work on Thank you cards, then go in for some wonderful quiet work hours to get my work load down from the 100 files. I have had a good week and have maintained and felt my memories and my Love and loss for PD. AT&T is giving me heck over trying to keep my phone that is grandfathered in on the unlimited plan. Since having to put the phones back to my name. They were always in my name until PD did nto want to be known as Mrs KK so we switched the bill to his name. Now they are not wanting to honor the existing plan. Also, the lawyer said because of the land in Yazoo that I understood about is not going to be an easy matter to clear up and will probably cost a couple big ones to settle the estate. It has to be done, I know.

    After I get to moving around more life will be brighter throughout the day.

    Love and hugs to all!! Coop enjoy that dirt and take pics.

  2. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    hang in there PM—–still praying for you
    OB have fun at the wedding

  3. OldBopper says:

    (((PM))) Things have a way of working out.

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning! OB I hope you folks have a wonderful day.

    PM probate the will and you should be fine! Good luck with AT&T, they give me fits with the old rate plan.

  5. Legal Eagle says:

    Our contract with AT&T expired in March. We are paying nearly $120.00 per month for 2 lines and don’t even have text messaging or internet access or fancy phones. BE lost his phone and has a replacement and the screen has gone blank after only about 2 months use and he can’t even see who is calling. We need to do something today about new phones, but I’m not sure what. Any suggestions?

    • Airwolf says:

      Mothers phone died, I bought a Go Phone at AT&T for $30 and put her sim card in it. Cheapest way out.

      • Crystalbutterfly says:

        I did that but I brought mine at Wal-Mart for $15 not fancy all I can do is call and text but that is all I need

  6. Molly says:

    PM, sounds like you are handling things pretty well. I know it can’t be easy. I was planning on going to Clinton this afternoon and hoped to see you, but Kiddo ran off in my car. So I’m stuck at home. I guess I’ll make a batch of jelly instead.
    If you need help with probate, call me. It’s what we do. No charge for discussing things. No pressure to hire us. Office number is 601.992.1437

  7. dhcoop says:

    Whooped, I am.

    But we’ve had a blast!

  8. parrotmom says:

    Good for you Coop! I know Cub has to be happy too!!

  9. parrotmom says:

    Thanks Molly for the info.

  10. Airwolf says:

    Hey folks, ran the disk thru the garden today. I had already broke it up deep with a plow. We’re going to plant a small one this year. I’ll have to fence it, so many deer.

    I’m tired!! Good night!

  11. parrotmom says:

    nite to all. porch light on for OB and PQ.

  12. OldBopper says:

    Evening! It was a wonderful wedding with a packed church. The service was beautiful and the reception seemed to be enjoyed by all. The newly weds left in a solid white 1965 white T-bird convertible.

  13. dhcoop says:


    Not nearly as sore as I thought I’d be this morning (yet). We just went out and looked at everything looks great. I did make some pics yesterday, but fb wasn’t cooperating to let me upload.

    Cub is fixing breakfast now. We’ll eat, then I’m headed to see my girls. Another great day ahead!

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