Thursday Free-For-All

About to go run! What’s up with you?

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27 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Good morning Happy Thursday. I hope you enjoyed your run Marshall. All is well on my side of the world today. Hugs and love to all of you. May everyone have a great day. Both kittie girls are out time to wake the Parrot. Gotta love some fantastic pets.

  2. OldBopper says:

    Good morning! Another pretty day in store for us. Our neighbor’s cat is stalking one of our bluebird houses. Was a feral which has been tamed but still has old ways in spite of having plenty of food to eat. Have to take “Rider” back to the vet today for an allergy shot.

    MrsH, when do you leave?

  3. dhcoop says:


    BEAUTIFUL out this morning!

  4. Mrs. H says:

    “I just wanted to call you before you heard it from someone else,” was the first thing Mr. H said when I answered the phone at 7:30. You never want to hear that! But he’s okay. Someone drifted into his lane, but he saw it coming and was taking evasive action.

    He just drove up……..

  5. Airwolf says:


  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

  7. parrotmom says:

    Prayers MrH is ok!! Thank goodness he saw it coming and was able to prepare.

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m trying to get some coffee down before time to get to the community center. The luncheon starts at 11:30 and I need to get there a little early to set out our cards, score pads, etc. for bridge at 1:00.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    He’s fine. The lady was distracted momentarily by her son dropping a pencil on the floor. It was in a curve. She drifted into his lane, clipped his mirror with hers, and her front bumper got the left side case. He went off into a field on the side of the road. Had he been in a car, it would have been a head-on collision. As it was, the bike doesn’t take up nearly as much lane space and he was able to avoid most of it. He rode the bike home to take the case off (it was crushed – his computer was in the right side case). Judging from the damage to it, I’m surprised that the impact didn’t cause him to put the bike down. But he rode right through it. He said he did stall it out a few times trying to get out of the loose soil. (this is a link to the kind of bags he has) His bike is in a class called adventure-touring. Kind of street legal dirt bike with a few comfort features, made to be able to go off-road.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    OB, we are leaving the church tomorrow morning at 6:45 to catch a flight out of Mobile that leaves at 8:54 to Atlanta. From Atlanta it’s a 7 hour flight to Lima. We leave ATL around 5:30 p.m. and arrive at LIM close to midnight. We leave plenty of room for delays because there’s only one flight from Atlanta to Lima and if you miss it, you spend the night in Atlanta and get to Lima at midnight the NEXT night.

    Yes, I’m packed because the eldest has a bridal shower this evening given by her bank co-workers.

  11. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!
    MrsH glad that MrH is ok sorry his bike is not.
    hope that everyone has a good Friday eve :)
    come on week-end!!

    • Mrs. H says:

      Truly, his bike itself is fine. It was the new side case that took the hit. Insurance should take care of the replacement and he’ll probably ride it to work tomorrow. He’s working from home today only because the altercation would have made him so late to continue down to Ocean Springs.

  12. parrotmom says:

    M&M’s, Dt Dr Pepper again for lunch.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Wow! Glad to hear MrH is alright. I assume the caged driver stopped. I hope so anyway. I had to replace a bag after my accident so I have an extra left bag. I’d give it to him but it’s not like his and probably wouldn’t fit on his bike anyway.

    I know he wears protective clothing. Hopefully that kept him from getting scratched up.

    • Mrs. H says:

      Yes, she stopped. She and her son were way more freaked out than Mr. H was. (Kindergartner kept saying, “Mama, you killed that man!”) No scratches on him because he just rode out into the field and then back onto the road. Only his feet touched the loose dirt & asphalt. Since she had stopped in the middle of the road in a curve, he made her move her truck so no one else would take part in the accident.

  14. cardinallady says:

    Red streak is me. Has been a busy two days. Will catch up when I have time to light.

  15. parrotmom says:

    Day almost made here at work. The afternoons seem to drag. I cannot believe tomorrow is already Friday. Safe travels to everyone heading out soon.

  16. dhcoop says:


    Skylar is safe for another week!

  17. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone! MrsH – so glad MrH is okay. Auto drivers really must pay closer attention. PM – Love ya’ girl. AW – How’s dad? Blues – so nice to be able to spend time with your family. Work will be back soon.
    Everyone else. Thanks for being here. Had some testing today. They found nothing but still don’t know why I am “severely iron deficient”. Doc’s words not mine. I donated blood about 8 weeks ago and my iron was okay then so this is rather odd. Well, so am I so good fit I guess. With this unemployment thing going on 15 months maybeeee an ulcer. Who knows? Anyway, Hubs has an interview on Monday afternoon that looks promising (again) and I have one Monday morning and I will have to take off work again next week for that. Positive is that it is more money – my goal. The director of our department and I had a long talk Wednesday and he is very supportive. He will be leaving in July and the woman I work with wants to retire in September. The interview on Monday is for an Ice Cream Novelty company and I am lactose intolerant. I really should get this job just for the irony. Okay, I will let you go to sleep now.

    Night Light is on!!!!

  18. Legal Eagle says:

    We had a good luncheon today. Our speaker was from the Mississippi Historic Association and Community Bank treated us to lunch today. We had box lunches from McAllister’s, a choice of turkey or ham sub sandwich, a bag of potato chips and a giant cookie. And since BE and I ate at Waffle House last night for the first time im a long time, we had plenty from that for supper tonight. We had the meat lovers pork chop dinner cooked southern style with mushrooms and cheese on top, hash browns scattered, smothered and covered, and salad. And BE had a pecan waffle and then we each got a piece of chocolate pie to go.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    Talking to myself again.

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