Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/19/12

Goal weight: 195 lbs.

Today’s weight: 202 lbs.

FFF Blog shout-out of the day goes to Dentist Dr. Catherine Carter Sledge.  Catherine struggled through weight issues as a child and with the love and support of her family, overcame them.  She has decided to pay her blessing forward by helping other Mississippi kids fight obesity. In 2005, she authored a children’s book, Anna’s Choice (which was distributed to every elementary school in the state of Mississippi.) and has partnered with the Mississippi Community Education Center to develop You’ve Gotta Move, a set of classroom exercise DVDs for Mississippi public schools.  Congrats Catherine for making a “Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit” difference!

If you didn’t get out and exercise this morning, you missed a beauty.  The temperature was PERFECT — in the low 50’s — and the air was crisp and dry.  I ran 5.23 miles in my neighborhood (lots of hills, of course) at the speed of 5.7 mph (hills slow me down!).  I burned 863 calories — which is a pretty good way to start the day.  My goal is to get my average speed up and over 6 mph.  That means more hill training!

Last night, I did 50 pushups and 50 sit-ups.  I also did leg lifts to supplement my core workout.  I was falling asleep at 9 p.m. (I am exhausted!) but went ahead and knocked out my workout.  It was time well invested.

My weight is right at 200 lbs. I have about a week dip below that.  Last night, though, I splurged and had homemade tacos.  Delicious.

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One Response to Fit-to-Fat-to-Fit Blog: 4/19/12

  1. parrotmom says:

    Congrats to you! Go Marshall I am pulling for you :)

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