Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you have a fabulous Friday.

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39 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Wow! Am I first? Hard time sleeping last night so slept in this morning. MrsH should be in Mobile awaiting her flight to Atlanta. Godspeed lady.

    50th High School reunion this evening and tomorrow. Worked on music until late last evening. #&%$! Computer folks who think they have to change programs a zillion times. Took me several hours to figure the logic of their most recent edition. Oh well, success, though not really up to my standards.

    Hope everybody has a good day. Smiles and hugs to all.

  2. Msblondie says:

    Morning gang. Home with the crud… Back to bed for me.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Friday morning! Sounds like we are in for some rain high today 81 tomorrow’s highs in the mid 60’s. Got to love our Mississippi springs.

    MrsH safe travels and enjoy your trip, stay safe. Hope your eldest had a good time at her shower yesterday.

    DWB prayers for you and your husband it is time for both of you to get permanent employment. Prayers for your testing that all turns out normal when all is over said and done.

    LegalE sorry you felt like you were talking to yourself. Sounds like you are still enjoying the late night hour when all is other chickens went to bed early :)

    Love and hugs to all!

    • Legal Eagle says:

      Well, sure, now that I don’t have to be anywhere at the crack of dawn, I can stay up late and sleep late. I do miss Good Morning America though. I rarely get to see it anymore. Seniors plan their activities to begin at 12:00 or 1:00 p.m.

  4. dhcoop says:


    Heading to Eburg this weekend to see Poppy and A. Looking forward to seeing them both!

    Safe travels MrsH.

    Hope all that are ailing feel better soon. TTFN!

  5. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey all!!!!
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! hope that everyone has a great week-end.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Overcast and rainy looking. I want to wash my upper deck off. Maybe I can squeeze it in before the rains come.

    Daddy is still taking PT but I don’t see much improvement. He slipped out of his wheelchair again Wednesday evening. No injuries this time. He was trying to take his shoes off!

    I hope everyone has a good Friday!

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    I have talked to LE and I am going to call Roosevelt this afternoon when I get off work and get a pavilion for our picnic–if that is ok with everyone I will let you know what I find out, I will make a poster this year also—-any ideas if not I will just make up something cute

  8. Legal Eagle says:

    I had to run up and get a haircut this morning and then go buy a new cell phone charger. I had to keep my phone turned off yesterday because the battery was so low. I’ve never had a charger go out before, but this one did.

    Someone asked if I could play bridge today and I told them if they needed me, that I would. I was delighted to just learn that she is not going to need me today after all because several people had to cancel at the last minute. I was glad to hear it.

  9. cardinallady says:

    Flying through again! we are in full hilt with magazine season and getting newspaper out and graduation and mother’s day and … and … and. If ya’ll see me flying around down there, point me in a general northerly direction and send me on my way.

  10. parrotmom says:

    Is 4:30 ever going to get here? Don’t know why will be back tomorrow! I guess I just need a break. Since coming back to work on Tuesday the 10th I have been here everyday since including the weekend.

  11. parrotmom says:

    We need an update from CornPop? I hope she is holding up as well as can be expected. It is tough when you want to take care of a situation and nothing you try makes anyone happy.

    • CornPop says:

      Thanks, PM. Popping in for a quick update.

      I’m hanging in there, taking one day at a time & generally doing not too bad. Orville had a 3rd round of chemo last weekend & tolerated it well. His biggest complaint is the swelling from all the steroids – he has a classic “moon-face” that encompasses his neck & stomach – looks like a puffed up blowfish! He feels miserable from that & I keep reminding him that it will eventually go away. Not soon enough for him. He should be totally off the steroids within the next few weeks. All in all, so far so good…one day at a time…

      Son is coming into town late this afternoon so we’ll have a family gathering tomorrow. Will do both of us good to see the kids & all the grands!


      • Airwolf says:

        Good to hear he is doing as well as he is! Hang in there lady!! As our pastor says, “It won’t always be like this”.

      • parrotmom says:

        Good to hear from you. Yes you will enjoy the break in routine.

      • Airwolf says:

        When I was on steroids for Graves Disease my face looked like a moon pie, nice and round!

      • Barb says:

        So glad things are going well with Orville’s treatment. Ya’ll just hang in there. Like you said, one day at a time. There will come a time when you can plan for next week, next month and even next year. I pray for that for you two and AnnOnimous and IronGhost. Prayers will continue.

  12. Legal Eagle says:

    We had to run some errands today and we stopped at City Limits for lunch. BE had the buffet with spaghetti, and I had the hamburger steak on the menu, swimming in sauteed onions and brown gravy, served with French fries, Texas toast and salad.

    We had to run somemore errands and the next place I found myself was at Baskin-Robbins, eating a 3-scoop calamel sundae with praline pecan ice cream and whipped cream, cherry and nuts on top.

    We’re having our Ramboree tomorrow to celebrate our graduation year plus 5 years. One our classmates has a weekend place off 471 somewhere, going back toward the reservoir and he has a big pond or lake and big covered porches so in case the rain doesn’t stop before 1:00 o’clock, we won’t get soaking wet because we’re doing it “rain or shine.” And BE told me years ago when I said I wasn’t too sweet to melt, that salt melts just as fast as sugar does. I can’t think right now what kind of food I want to take tomorrow to go with hot dogs and hamburgers. I can’t think about food right now at all.

  13. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone!!! Long day and a boring night. I should do something just will take me a while to decide. Hmmmm!!!!!

    I don’t know where my Tinker Bell is she did not show up last night nor this morning. This sweel little kittie girl never misses a meal and hardly ever misses a night to stay inside. I called my neighbor this morning and asked her and her husband to be on the lookout for her. Their grands call her Loveable. I hope she isn’t hurt somewhere. She had lost some weight in the past few weeks she could have been sick.

    LegalE you can make food sound so wonderful!! Planning to hit Rooster’s for lunch tomorrow ready for a burger and onion rings.

    • DWB810 says:

      PM, stop, making me so jealous and miss Jackson sooooooooooo much. Enjoy an order of onion rings for me!

    • Barb says:

      Okay, where is Rooster’s?

      • DWB810 says:

        North State Street in Fondren. Close to Campbell’s Bakery. Not sure what else is still there or now there. Recovery Room used to be across the street from where Rooster’s is now. I mean, not that I ever spent any time at the Recovery Room.

        • parrotmom says:

          Loo!!! Neither did I. I remember my dad being upset with the name back years ago. This place was right up there with UMC and St Dominics it was very misleading.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Made a run to Radio Shack and when I went outside to leave Tinker Bell was in the driveway. Now she is inside eating.

    I couldn’t figure out why the sub woofer was humming and making other strange sounds? Amazing what a rat chew can do to a wire. I have a new one and plugged it up the tv sounds so much better.

  15. msblondie says:

    I feel much better this evening. 2 days in bed with meds.

    i hate to see what will be piled up on my desk when i get back in on Monday.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m surprised that y’all didn’t call me on my boo boo! I said our Ramboree tomorrow is going to be the celebration of our graduation plus 5 years. Ha, ha, ha! I meant to say graduation day plus 51 years.

    They have onion rings at City Limits too. Someone next to us today ordered a cheeseburger and onion rings. I need to suggest they make some of the old fashioned steak sandwiches to go with those onion rings.

  17. OldBopper says:

    Evening. Had a great time with old high school friends today and looking forward to tomorrow.

    It’s almost 11 pm so MrsH should be landing in about an hour. Wishing her a safe trip.

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